Fred Backman writes:

> Why do I have old messages (as in 3-4 days old) in Maildir/tmp?
> Shouldn't these be moved to Maildir/new at delivery? If this isn't
> always the case, can someone please explain why they haven't been moved
> and also when, if ever, they will be.

Stuff in tmp is partially-delivered mail where the delivery had to be
aborted for some reason -- process killed for some reason, etc...

It should be deleted after 1-2 days.  Whatever reads from the Maildir is
responsible for deleting stale stuff out of tmp.  I wouldn't worry too much
if its 3-4 days old, but if you see stuff older than that, and you do
actually read mail from that Maildir, whatever software you're using needs
to be fixed.


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