I'm a newbie @ compiling and don't know where to begin fixing this.
I'm not even sure this is the correct list to post to, apologies if not!
Any help greatly appreciated!

(When I tried using IBM's make & cc I got different errors)
The error reads:
#./compile auto-str.c
#auto-str.c: In function `main':
#auto-str.c:15: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
#./load auto-str substdio.a error.a str.a
#ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .__main
#ld: 0711-345 Use the -bloadmap or -bnoquiet option to obtain more
#make: *** [auto-str] Error 8

When I use the -bnoquiet option this is the result:

#$ /qmail-1.03> ./load  auto-str substdio.a error.a str.a  -bnoquiet
#(ld): halt 4
#(ld): setopt strip
#(ld): savename auto-str
#(ld): filelist 6 1
#(ld): i /lib/crt0.o
#(ld): i auto-str.o
#(ld): i substdio.a
#(ld): i error.a
#(ld): i str.a
#(ld): lib /usr/lib/libc.a
#LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[shr.o]: 2138 symbols imported.
#LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[meth.o]: 2 symbols imported.
#LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[aio.o]: 10 symbols imported.
#LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[pse.o]: 78 symbols imported.
#LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[dl.o]: 4 symbols imported.
#FILELIST: Number of previously inserted files processed: 6
#(ld): resolve
#RESOLVE: 48 of 2755 symbols were kept.
#(ld): addgl /usr/lib/glink.o
#ADDGL: Glink code added for 4 symbols.
#(ld): er full
#ld: 0711-318 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found.
#        The following symbols are in error:
# Symbol                    Inpndx  TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR
#                              RLD: Address  Section  Rld-type Referencing
# .__main                   [20]    ER PR auto-str.c(auto-str.o)
#                                   0000007c .text    R_RBR    [28]    .main
#ER: The return code is 8.

Here's the complete output:

$ /qmail-1.03> make setup check
( cat warn-auto.sh; \
echo CC=\'`head -1 conf-cc`\'; \
echo LD=\'`head -1 conf-ld`\' \
) > auto-ccld.sh
cat auto-ccld.sh make-load.sh > make-load
chmod 755 make-load
cat auto-ccld.sh find-systype.sh > find-systype
chmod 755 find-systype
./find-systype > systype
( cat warn-auto.sh; ./make-load "`cat systype`" ) > load
chmod 755 load
cat auto-ccld.sh make-compile.sh > make-compile
chmod 755 make-compile
( cat warn-auto.sh; ./make-compile "`cat systype`" ) > \
chmod 755 compile
( ( ./compile tryvfork.c && ./load tryvfork ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& cat fork.h2 || cat fork.h1 ) > fork.h
rm -f tryvfork.o tryvfork
./compile qmail-local.c
qmail-local.c: In function `main':
qmail-local.c:448: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
./compile qmail.c
./compile quote.c
./compile now.c
now.c: In function `now':
now.c:7: warning: passing arg 1 of `time' from incompatible pointer type
./compile gfrom.c
./compile myctime.c
./compile slurpclose.c
cat auto-ccld.sh make-makelib.sh > make-makelib
chmod 755 make-makelib
( cat warn-auto.sh; ./make-makelib "`cat systype`" ) > \
chmod 755 makelib
./compile case_diffb.c
./compile case_diffs.c
./compile case_lowerb.c
./compile case_lowers.c
./compile case_starts.c
./makelib case.a case_diffb.o case_diffs.o case_lowerb.o \
case_lowers.o case_starts.o
./compile getln.c
./compile getln2.c
./makelib getln.a getln.o getln2.o
./compile subgetopt.c
./compile sgetopt.c
./makelib getopt.a subgetopt.o sgetopt.o
./compile sig_alarm.c
( ( ./compile trysgprm.c && ./load trysgprm ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASSIGPROCMASK 1 || exit 0 ) > hassgprm.h
rm -f trysgprm.o trysgprm
./compile sig_block.c
( ( ./compile trysgact.c && ./load trysgact ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASSIGACTION 1 || exit 0 ) > hassgact.h
rm -f trysgact.o trysgact
./compile sig_catch.c
./compile sig_pause.c
./compile sig_pipe.c
./compile sig_child.c
./compile sig_hup.c
./compile sig_term.c
./compile sig_bug.c
./compile sig_misc.c
./makelib sig.a sig_alarm.o sig_block.o sig_catch.o \
sig_pause.o sig_pipe.o sig_child.o sig_hup.o sig_term.o \
sig_bug.o sig_misc.o
./compile open_append.c
./compile open_excl.c
./compile open_read.c
./compile open_trunc.c
./compile open_write.c
./makelib open.a open_append.o open_excl.o open_read.o \
open_trunc.o open_write.o
./compile seek_cur.c
./compile seek_end.c
./compile seek_set.c
./compile seek_trunc.c
./makelib seek.a seek_cur.o seek_end.o seek_set.o \
( ( ./compile tryflock.c && ./load tryflock ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASFLOCK 1 || exit 0 ) > hasflock.h
rm -f tryflock.o tryflock
./compile lock_ex.c
./compile lock_exnb.c
./compile lock_un.c
./makelib lock.a lock_ex.o lock_exnb.o lock_un.o
./compile fd_copy.c
./compile fd_move.c
./makelib fd.a fd_copy.o fd_move.o
( ( ./compile trywaitp.c && ./load trywaitp ) >/dev/null \
2>&1 \
&& echo \#define HASWAITPID 1 || exit 0 ) > haswaitp.h
rm -f trywaitp.o trywaitp
./compile wait_pid.c
./compile wait_nohang.c
./makelib wait.a wait_pid.o wait_nohang.o
./compile env.c
./compile envread.c
./makelib env.a env.o envread.o
./compile stralloc_eady.c
./compile stralloc_pend.c
./compile stralloc_copy.c
./compile stralloc_opys.c
./compile stralloc_opyb.c
./compile stralloc_cat.c
./compile stralloc_cats.c
./compile stralloc_catb.c
./compile stralloc_arts.c
./makelib stralloc.a stralloc_eady.o stralloc_pend.o \
stralloc_copy.o stralloc_opys.o stralloc_opyb.o \
stralloc_cat.o stralloc_cats.o stralloc_catb.o \
./compile alloc.c
./compile alloc_re.c
./makelib alloc.a alloc.o alloc_re.o
./compile strerr_sys.c
./compile strerr_die.c
./makelib strerr.a strerr_sys.o strerr_die.o
./compile substdio.c
./compile substdi.c
./compile substdo.c
./compile subfderr.c
./compile subfdout.c
./compile subfdouts.c
./compile subfdin.c
./compile subfdins.c
./compile substdio_copy.c
./makelib substdio.a substdio.o substdi.o substdo.o \
subfderr.o subfdout.o subfdouts.o subfdin.o subfdins.o \
./compile error.c
./compile error_str.c
./compile error_temp.c
./makelib error.a error.o error_str.o error_temp.o
./compile str_len.c
./compile str_diff.c
./compile str_diffn.c
./compile str_cpy.c
./compile str_chr.c
./compile str_rchr.c
./compile str_start.c
./compile byte_chr.c
./compile byte_rchr.c
./compile byte_diff.c
./compile byte_copy.c
./compile byte_cr.c
./compile byte_zero.c
./makelib str.a str_len.o str_diff.o str_diffn.o str_cpy.o \
str_chr.o str_rchr.o str_start.o byte_chr.o byte_rchr.o \
byte_diff.o byte_copy.o byte_cr.o byte_zero.o
./compile fmt_str.c
./compile fmt_strn.c
./compile fmt_uint.c
./compile fmt_uint0.c
./compile fmt_ulong.c
./compile scan_ulong.c
./compile scan_8long.c
./makelib fs.a fmt_str.o fmt_strn.o fmt_uint.o fmt_uint0.o \
fmt_ulong.o scan_ulong.o scan_8long.o
./compile datetime.c
./compile datetime_un.c
./makelib datetime.a datetime.o datetime_un.o
./compile auto-str.c
auto-str.c: In function `main':
auto-str.c:15: warning: return type of `main' is not `int'
./load auto-str substdio.a error.a str.a
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .__main
ld: 0711-345 Use the -bloadmap or -bnoquiet option to obtain more
make: *** [auto-str] Error 8

$ /qmail-1.03> ./load  auto-str substdio.a error.a str.a  -bnoquiet
(ld): halt 4
(ld): setopt strip
(ld): savename auto-str
(ld): filelist 6 1
(ld): i /lib/crt0.o
(ld): i auto-str.o
(ld): i substdio.a
(ld): i error.a
(ld): i str.a
(ld): lib /usr/lib/libc.a
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[shr.o]: 2138 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[meth.o]: 2 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[aio.o]: 10 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[pse.o]: 78 symbols imported.
LIBRARY: Shared object libc.a[dl.o]: 4 symbols imported.
FILELIST: Number of previously inserted files processed: 6
(ld): resolve
RESOLVE: 48 of 2755 symbols were kept.
(ld): addgl /usr/lib/glink.o
ADDGL: Glink code added for 4 symbols.
(ld): er full
ld: 0711-318 ERROR: Undefined symbols were found.
        The following symbols are in error:
 Symbol                    Inpndx  TY CL Source-File(Object-File) OR
                              RLD: Address  Section  Rld-type Referencing
 .__main                   [20]    ER PR auto-str.c(auto-str.o)
                                   0000007c .text    R_RBR    [28]    .main
ER: The return code is 8.

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