On Fri, Dec 10, 1999 at 04:54:31PM +0100, Ekker, Heinz wrote:
> When I first tested it, I used alias-expansion with the fastforward-package,
> and to be honest, I was quite surprised to find that qmail could - on a
> Pentium III 500 with 512 Megs RAM and a 19GB Level 1-RAID running RedHat,
> 2.2.13 with fd-patch - deliver only about 2 messages per second. The Queue
> kept filling up, and half of the messages were not preprocessed. Only when I
> let go of fastforward, I reached ~200 messages per minute and 17-18 MB of
> throughput, which still seems very little. At least the preprocessing seemed
> to work now. The CPU idles with 70, 80 %, there's plenty of RAM left. The
> local concurrency never ever rises above 5.

Did you see a discussion in the last 30 days about RAID levels?

Is your /var/qmail/queue on the RAID1?  Big write I/O reduction
if you are.


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