I made a post earlier to this list open a PERL program I have written which
basic opens one file handle ot a CSV file containing usernames and email
adresses parses them and then sends users mail by writing to a file handle
opened to qmail. Here is the snippet of code that achieves this:

$mailprog = "/usr/local/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject";

open(MAIL, "|$mailprog");

print MAIL "To: $email\n";
print MAIL "From: $from\n";
print MAIL "Subject:$subject\n";
print MAIL "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: text\/html\; charset\=us-ascii\;
print MAIL "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n";
print MAIL "Content-Disposition: inline\; filename=\"newsl.html\"\n";
print MAIL "Content-Base: http:\/\/www\.liveuniverse\.com\n";

print MAIL " etc .....

The problem is that every message is being bounced back b/c somewhere qmail
is appending the name of our machine(snapper.raremedium.com) onto the
recipients e-mail address. It then sees the name of our box and decideds
this is a local delivery which is of course undeliverable as we are trying
to send mail to a list of remote users. Can anyone help me with this. For
instance below my script assigned the value  $email ="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
which is correct. Now when qmail recieves it, it decides to append the name
of our machine (snapper.raremedium.com) onto this address. Can someone
please give me some insight into this. I think I am going crazy. Below is
the output of the mail log. Anyway thanks in advance.

Dec 16 14:39:23 ketel-1 qmail: 945373163.430257 starting delivery 20110:
msg 721
291 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]@snapper.raremedium.com

and then later on the logfile I will see the failure message with :

.... Dec 16 14:43:21 ketel-1 qmail: 945373163.430257 delivery 20110:
failure: Sorry,_

Clifford Thurber
Web Systems Administrator
565 5th Ave. 29th Fl.
New York, NY 10017
Ph:212 883 6940  (131)
Fax:212 856 9134

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