>Hi everybody! 
>My name is Marvel Carvalho. 
>I work in a company called Portway. We developed systems to HandHeld 
>and Palm platform , and also Sales Administration Systems to Intel 
>platform - with Delphi and Oracle. 
>I'm interested in setting up a Linux station in our net NT.
>We want it working as a PROXI server, FTP Server, internal e-mail Server. 
>I need to learn how to do all of these things. I know that it can 
>take many time. Which is the best way to learn it? Courses / Books / 
>what else???? 
>I'll appreciate your opinion very much... 
>I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 
>Marvel Carvalho 
>Portway - Brazil - SP

Hello Marvel-

The best way to learn Linux is to get a computer and a Linux CD and 
install it, play with it, and read the documentation on the CD and on 
the internet.  There are many good Linux distributions, but I am most 
familiar with and recommend RedHat.  It is easy to install and has 
good documentation.


You can download Linux for free, but it is difficult for a beginner. 
You can buy $2 CDs of most popular Linux distributions from Linux 


Each of these sites below contains much documentation.

For ftp, there are two popular servers: wu-ftpd is more popular, and 
proftpd is newer and more flexible.  (wu-ftpd comes with RedHat)


For mail, there is sendmail and qmail.  I prefer qmail.  Download the 
"Life with qmail" manual. (sendmail comes with RedHat)


For web serving, there is apache: (comes with RedHat)

If you want a server as you described, a company in Canada, e-smith, 
has a nice Linux distribution that comes pre-configured to do what 
you need (and more).


To learn about free software and the License for linux, visit the 
Free Software Foundation:


Books published by O'Reilly are the best Linux books.

Good Luck!

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