Hello qmail users and admins,

my problem is the following: When I compose a message and encrypt it
with PGP (or just sign it with PGP), then attempts to send the mail end
in the following error message:

451 See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html

This URL obviously has moved (to where?), but I found a discussion
about this error message. Bare linefeeds seem to be the problem, that
causes the message, but I do not find a context to PGP. 
Ok, when I do not encrypt or sign with PGP, sending works fine. I
think, since PGP produces a binary file (or can at least do so), there
occur bytes in the message that shouldn't. 

But I can tell PGP (with the -a flag) to encrypt the text in ASCII
format, so it is human readable, but it doesn't solve the problem. 
Next I can tell PGP (with the -t flag) to alter line endings for UNIX.
Didn't work either. 

Additional Info about my environment: I use postilion as MUA which
handles PGP, and with sendmail (a friend tried it successfully) no such
errors occur. 

Has anyone ideas, what I possibly forgot to tell qmail or pgp or
whatever? Thanks in advance.

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