Paul Schinder spake unto me and said:
> At 10:24 AM -0500 12/23/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >Check out <> for a good example of spam
> >filtering which is _customer_ approved.
> ...the example is poor, IMHO.  I have a pobox account for non-work 
> related mail, and I had their spam filtering on for a while before 
> finally turning it off.  It tagged things as spam that weren't. It 
> missed tagging most real spam.  In short, it wasn't any help at all. 

Oh, I agree completely! I let pobox mark my "spam" emails, and it's
hideously inaccurate. All I meant was that their bad spam "protection"
is truly optional, which is good.

> ...what I'd pay extra for, and what they don't offer (at least the
> last time I checked), is RBL+DUL+RSS on my incoming mail stream...

Agreed; that might be handy. What I've been doing for a while is sending
BCCs to a separate folder. Once a month or so I glance through the
folder. It usually contains about two dozen emails, almost all spam. No
fuss, no muss, and I've only seen about half a dozen pieces of spam get
through it in about 2 years.

I guess spam doesn't send me into a killing rage, when I get to meet it
on my own terms. (But if you're lynching spammers, do invite me along.)


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