qmail Digest 24 Dec 1999 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 859

Topics (messages 34762 through 34781):

The bare linefeed problem with PGP
        34762 by: Eugen Lamers
        34763 by: bert hubert
        34766 by: Martin A. Brown

Re: Problem with Amavis
        34764 by: Carsten Witt

Re: 3 quickies!
        34765 by: cmikk.uswest.net
        34767 by: lbudney-lists-qmail.nb.net
        34770 by: Paul Schinder
        34772 by: lbudney-lists-qmail.nb.net

New Qmail Installation - Corel Linux
        34768 by: livelym.tklaw.com
        34769 by: Ricardo Cerqueira
        34771 by: livelym.tklaw.com

More about later delivery
        34773 by: Ari Arantes Filho

Logs and responses
        34774 by: Oscar Arranz

Re: Converting PMMail files to Maildir or mbox format
        34775 by: Subba Rao

Wildcard in DNS and mail
        34776 by: Claudio Neves

Forwarding e-mail for specific users
        34777 by: Antonio Navarro Navarro
        34778 by: bert hubert

Re: Should qmail immediately reject relaying?  [was Re: Qmail is relaying external 
        34779 by: David L. Nicol

Mail abuse
        34780 by: lbudney-lists-qmail.nb.net

files in /var/qmail/control
        34781 by: Antonio Navarro Navarro


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Hello qmail users and admins,

my problem is the following: When I compose a message and encrypt it
with PGP (or just sign it with PGP), then attempts to send the mail end
in the following error message:

451 See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html

This URL obviously has moved (to where?), but I found a discussion
about this error message. Bare linefeeds seem to be the problem, that
causes the message, but I do not find a context to PGP. 
Ok, when I do not encrypt or sign with PGP, sending works fine. I
think, since PGP produces a binary file (or can at least do so), there
occur bytes in the message that shouldn't. 

But I can tell PGP (with the -a flag) to encrypt the text in ASCII
format, so it is human readable, but it doesn't solve the problem. 
Next I can tell PGP (with the -t flag) to alter line endings for UNIX.
Didn't work either. 

Additional Info about my environment: I use postilion as MUA which
handles PGP, and with sendmail (a friend tried it successfully) no such
errors occur. 

Has anyone ideas, what I possibly forgot to tell qmail or pgp or
whatever? Thanks in advance.

On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 12:03:08PM +0100, Eugen Lamers wrote:

> 451 See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html
> This URL obviously has moved (to where?), but I found a discussion

No it hasn't. It works for me.

> Additional Info about my environment: I use postilion as MUA which
> handles PGP, and with sendmail (a friend tried it successfully) no such
> errors occur. 

The problem seems to be with 'postilion' then. There are patches floating
about which make qmail more tolerant of bare linefeeds, you could also apply


bert hubert.

    +---------------+  |              http://www.rent-a-nerd.nl
    | nerd for hire |  |                  
    +---------------+  |                     - U N I X -
            |          |          Inspice et cautus eris - D11T'95

Top of the morning to all of you qmail-ers,

Well, if I understand the problem correctly (your PGP program is creating
a message with bare LFs), then you should be able to solve the problem by
piping the output of your PGP signing/encryption process to /usr/bin/addcr
before it's sent to your SMTP server.  (addcr is included in the ucspi
package).  For kicks, try running the PGP program by itself on a text
file, and do an "od -c ${FILENAME}" to see whether or not you have the
required \r\n.  If not, you can add them with addcr.


Martin A. Brown --- Wonderfrog Enterprises --- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Thu, 23 Dec 1999, Eugen Lamers wrote:

:Hello qmail users and admins,
:my problem is the following: When I compose a message and encrypt it
:with PGP (or just sign it with PGP), then attempts to send the mail end
:in the following error message:
:451 See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html
:This URL obviously has moved (to where?), but I found a discussion
:about this error message. Bare linefeeds seem to be the problem, that
:causes the message, but I do not find a context to PGP. 
:Ok, when I do not encrypt or sign with PGP, sending works fine. I
:think, since PGP produces a binary file (or can at least do so), there
:occur bytes in the message that shouldn't. 
:But I can tell PGP (with the -a flag) to encrypt the text in ASCII
:format, so it is human readable, but it doesn't solve the problem. 
:Next I can tell PGP (with the -t flag) to alter line endings for UNIX.
:Didn't work either. 
:Additional Info about my environment: I use postilion as MUA which
:handles PGP, and with sendmail (a friend tried it successfully) no such
:errors occur. 
:Has anyone ideas, what I possibly forgot to tell qmail or pgp or
:whatever? Thanks in advance.

Hello Rainer,

I did it but, but it is the same!

greetings carsten

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rainer Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Carsten Witt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 1999 10:36 AM
Subject: Re: Problem with Amavis

> Carsten Witt wrote:
> > I've installed amavis with  mcafee.
> > 
> > 1 - get amavis from <http://www.amavis.org>
> Please get AMaViS-0.2.0-pre6-clm-rl-3 from
> http://www.unixzone.com/virus/
> best regards,
> Rainer Link
> -- 
> Rainer Link, eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], WWW: http://rainer.w3.to/
> Student of Communication Engineering/Computer Networking, University of
> Applied Sciences,Furtwangen,Germany,http://www.ce.is.fh-furtwangen.de/

On 23 Dec 1999 10:06:42 -0000 , "Petr Novotny" writes:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 23 Dec 99, at 18:19, Marc-Adrian Napoli wrote:
> > [rblsmtpd]
> > As far as I can see, this only blocks certain mail servers - I could do
> > this at my border routers and save myself from installing any software.
> > (Blocking from certain IP's on port 25).
> That's right but you wouldn't get the on-line feed you're getting from 
> RBLish services. You'd have to type in that million IPs by hand. 
> Yuck.

Actually, you can subscribe to the original MAPS
RBL via [e?]BGP.
Chris Mikkelson  | The genius of you Americans is that you never make 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid 
                 | moves which make us wonder at the possibility that
                 | there may be something to them we are missing. 
                 |   -- Gamel Nasser 

"Marc-Adrian Napoli" spake unto me and said:
> What i'm after is a solution that falls into place at the
> qmail-send/qmail-local stage that will quickly check the
> headers of the message to be delivered locally first for
> any particular strings. (Silly email addresses or anything
> with the word "buy now" or "sell now" etc)

I recommend that you be _VERY_ careful with this idea,
especially if you are an ISP. In particular, bouncing
emails may anger your customers, and destroying emails
can get your butt sued off.

Suppose one of your customers is sent an email from his stock
broker, saying "Sell Now!!!!" Your customer never gets the
email, and loses his shirt, because of your spam "protection".
You will deserve whatever happens to you.

Other than RBL-blocking, and making sure _your_ relay is closed,
I recommend that you only use filters which are _explicitly_
approved by _each_ affected customer. Deciding for your
_customer_ which emails look "bad" to _you_ is very foolish.

Check out <http://www.pobox.com> for a good example of spam
filtering which is _customer_ approved.


At 10:24 AM -0500 12/23/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>"Marc-Adrian Napoli" spake unto me and said:
>  >
>  > What i'm after is a solution that falls into place at the
>  > qmail-send/qmail-local stage that will quickly check the
>  > headers of the message to be delivered locally first for
>  > any particular strings. (Silly email addresses or anything
>  > with the word "buy now" or "sell now" etc)
>I recommend that you be _VERY_ careful with this idea,
>especially if you are an ISP. In particular, bouncing
>emails may anger your customers, and destroying emails
>can get your butt sued off.
>Suppose one of your customers is sent an email from his stock
>broker, saying "Sell Now!!!!" Your customer never gets the
>email, and loses his shirt, because of your spam "protection".
>You will deserve whatever happens to you.
>Other than RBL-blocking, and making sure _your_ relay is closed,
>I recommend that you only use filters which are _explicitly_
>approved by _each_ affected customer. Deciding for your
>_customer_ which emails look "bad" to _you_ is very foolish.
>Check out <http://www.pobox.com> for a good example of spam
>filtering which is _customer_ approved.

I agree with your sentiment completely.  I don't want *my* ISP making 
*any* of these decisions without my knowing, and I'd certainly want a 
way of creating my own "tunnels" through any of their blocks.

But the example is poor, IMHO.  I have a pobox account for non-work 
related mail, and I had their spam filtering on for a while before 
finally turning it off.  It tagged things as spam that weren't. It 
missed tagging most real spam.  In short, it wasn't any help at all. 
What I want them to offer, what I'd pay extra for, and what they 
don't offer (at least the last time I checked), is RBL+DUL+RSS on my 
incoming mail stream with the ability to tunnel selected IP's 
through, and the ability to find out what was blocked.  (Which is 
exactly what I do use on my work machines with rblsmtpd.)  DUL by 
itself would catch most of the spam I get through my pobox account.

So since I can't RBL+DUL+RSS the mail passing through pobox in any 
convenient way, I pass it through some maildrop filters on one of my 
home machines and access it from there.  In the end, only I know what 
is spam and what is not, so I prefer dealing with the problem at the 
end of the chain which I control rather than at the points in between 
over which I have little or no control.  Unfortunately, that means I 
have to accept the spam in the before programmatically discarding it.


Paul J. Schinder
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 693

Paul Schinder spake unto me and said:
> At 10:24 AM -0500 12/23/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >Check out <http://www.pobox.com> for a good example of spam
> >filtering which is _customer_ approved.
> ...the example is poor, IMHO.  I have a pobox account for non-work 
> related mail, and I had their spam filtering on for a while before 
> finally turning it off.  It tagged things as spam that weren't. It 
> missed tagging most real spam.  In short, it wasn't any help at all. 

Oh, I agree completely! I let pobox mark my "spam" emails, and it's
hideously inaccurate. All I meant was that their bad spam "protection"
is truly optional, which is good.

> ...what I'd pay extra for, and what they don't offer (at least the
> last time I checked), is RBL+DUL+RSS on my incoming mail stream...

Agreed; that might be handy. What I've been doing for a while is sending
BCCs to a separate folder. Once a month or so I glance through the
folder. It usually contains about two dozen emails, almost all spam. No
fuss, no muss, and I've only seen about half a dozen pieces of spam get
through it in about 2 years.

I guess spam doesn't send me into a killing rage, when I get to meet it
on my own terms. (But if you're lynching spammers, do invite me along.)


Hey folks! (Texas for good morning)

We are experimenting with this new server and Corel of course does not
support the qmail that installs with the operating system. Can you help?

New users are added via the operating system useradmin function and added
to the qmail group.  Via a pop3 client mail can be sent through this new
account to local and internet users just fine.

Problem:  Can't collect e-mail from this users mail box via pop-3. Can for
the original 2 users but not any new ones added so mx records etc must be
There is mail in the Mailbox file.


On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 09:37:55AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hey folks! (Texas for good morning)
> We are experimenting with this new server and Corel of course does not
> support the qmail that installs with the operating system. Can you help?
> New users are added via the operating system useradmin function and added
> to the qmail group.  Via a pop3 client mail can be sent through this new
> account to local and internet users just fine.
> Problem:  Can't collect e-mail from this users mail box via pop-3. Can for
> the original 2 users but not any new ones added so mx records etc must be
> right..
> There is mail in the Mailbox file.

Hmmm... "Mailbox"? Which pop3 daemon is Corel using? If it's qmail-pop3d, you should 
be using Maildirs...

                                        Regards (and a Merry Xmas);
                                                Ricardo Cerqueira
| Ricardo Cerqueira  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| FCCN/RCTS  -  Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional 
| Av. Brasil, 101 / 1700-066 Lisboa / Portugal *** Tel: (+351) 218440100

Thanks that did it!

Mel Lively
Thompson & Knight LLP

                    Cerqueira            To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     
                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        cc:                                           
                    >                    Subject:     Re: New Qmail Installation - 
Corel Linux                     
                    09:59 AM                                                           

On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 09:48:50AM -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I think you are right. My working users have directories. How do I
> initialize new users?

           I'm not familiar with Corel Linux, but assuming they kept the
same structure Debian uses (and everyone else), new users get a copy of
/etc/skel as their homedir.
           Create a maildir within /etc/skel (use "maildirmake" to do
that), and everything should be OK.
           Also, the default delivery behavior of qmail is determined by
how it starts. Usually, it's something like "qmail-start ./Maildir/ ...".
Make sure that's how it's being done;
           A "ps ax | grep qmail-lspawn" should give you something like:

12016  ?  S    0:00 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/

           and _not_

12016  ?  S    0:00 qmail-lspawn ./Mailbox

                                          Best regards, and good luck;
                                                    Ricardo Cerqueira

| Ricardo Cerqueira  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42
| FCCN/RCTS  -  Fundacao para a Computacao Cientifica Nacional
| Av. Brasil, 101 / 1700-066 Lisboa / Portugal *** Tel: (+351) 218440100


I'm using tcpserver and supervise to run qmail.

I'm using Nick Leverton's patch to qmail-send to suspend remotedelivery. So
I write a file called holdremote with value 1 then I HUP qmail-send, causing
the remote queue to be held, so I can stop qmail-send immediately (svc -dx
...). I don't need to wait from pending queue to be sent, because if I stop
qmail-send process with pending delivery, the supervised qmail-send process
stays in "want down" status until the pending message is totally delivered.

If I want to cancel a message:
1) echo 1 > /var/qmail/control/holdremote
2) HUP on qmail-send process
3) qmail-read to check the queue and see the message number (nnn)
4) qmHandle -dnnn to delete the message (I've patched qmHandle to stop and
start qmail-send with supervise)
5) echo 0 > /var/qmail/control/holdremote
6) HUP on qmail-send process

The message is canceled and the remote delivery is normal, but I would like
to resend it during the night, how can I do this? (Ah, some user sent the
message, not me!!!)

Best regards,


Hi all.

        I'm running qmail over Solaris for about 250 virtual domains, my first
question is: ¿how could I write the log in a file of my election? (i.e.
/var/qmail/log/qmail_log )

        The second question is: When a message for [EMAIL PROTECTED] arrives to my
system, and [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a non-existent user on my existent domain
domain.com, qmail puts it on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Maildir. ¿Someone can
tell me if there are any script developed for sending an error response
to sender?

Thanks in advance.

On  0, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Subba Rao wrote:
> > 
> > I am in the process of moving my mail from a OS/2 box. The mail client
> > here is PMMail. Each email is stored in a seperate file, like in Maildir.
> > I have moved these files to linux, but cannot read them using Mutt to
> > convert them to Maildir named files. The PMMail files are named in 7.3 format,
> > which is like ABCXYZ1.MSG
> > 
> > When I issue the command,
> > 
> > $ file *.MSG
> > 
> > I get the following output
> > 
> > FKBOL40.MSG: RFC 822 mail text
> > FKVW7B0.MSG: ASCII text
> > 
> > How do you convert these files into mbox or Maildir format? I want to be able
> > to read these messages using Mutt MUA.
> Try sticking them into the Maildir/new directory, then run mutt and see if
> it picks them up.

Thanks to all who replied. I created a temporary (maildir format) mail directory and
copied the files to "cur". Then,

mutt -f temporary

could read all the mail messages.

I tagged them and saved them to the Maildir directory and deleted the temporary

Subba Rao

 => Time is relative. Here is a new way to look at time. <=

Hello guys,

I have some doubts when making a setup here.
I want to have all mail directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to go
to my server. There are hundreds of "somedomains", and "anything" can be 
really anything.
So, I've configured the following:

In Bind 8.2.2 zone file:

*.neomarkets.com.br.    IN      MX      10 mail.neomarkets.com.br.
*.neomarkets.com.br.    IN      MX      20 mail2.neomarkets.com.br.
mail                    IN      A
mail2                   IN      A
*.neomarkets.com.br.    IN      A

(the last one is for webhosting, not email!)




| /usr/local/bin/maildrop /var/www/mail/.maildrop $HOST

And .maildrop contains a filter that will deliver the message to a maildir 
on the correct
directory (BTW, /var/www/users/d/o/domain/Mail).

Well, guess what ?!
It works!! Mail arrives and is delivered to the right places!
But ....

It doesn't  works from all the hosts on the Internet. Everybody using 
qmail, does the job right,
but postfix, for example, give an error message:

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Name service error for domain
dalmo.neomarkets.com.br: Host not found

Can you guys see if there is something wrong with my DNS setup ?! Or qmail 
setup ?!
If you want to try sending email, please use 

Thank you very much !!

Claudio Neves

Hi all !

I have configured a QMail server for an specific domain. I want the messages received 
to some of the e-mail addresses of this domain to be forwarded to a secondary mail 
server that has been configured for accepting mail for the same domain.


mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] received in smtp.domain.com must be redirected to the 
same username ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) using the server smtp2.domain.com.

Question: What should I do with the qmail control files, dns, etc.. in order to make 
things work in this way ?

Best regards,

Antonio Navarro Navarro
BemarNet Management

On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 11:59:35PM +0100, Antonio Navarro Navarro wrote:

> I have configured a QMail server for an specific domain. I want the
> messages received to some of the e-mail addresses of this domain to be
> forwarded to a secondary mail server that has been configured for
> accepting mail for the same domain.

Some, or all? For both situations, the answer is contained in the FAQ. See
the entries pertaining the LUSER_RELAY and the 'null host' (or smart host).


bert hubert.

    +---------------+  |              http://www.rent-a-nerd.nl
    | nerd for hire |  |                  
    +---------------+  |                     - U N I X -
            |          |          Inspice et cautus eris - D11T'95

what keeps spammers from faking envelope-from and using
include-in-bounce features to relay spam content?  

Is it possible that a subject of "failure notice" will
some day not be sufficient to prevent this possibility?


"David L. Nicol" spake unto me and said:
> what keeps spammers from faking envelope-from and using
> include-in-bounce features to relay spam content?  

Nothing; see <http://cr.yp.to/docs/mailabuse.html> for this and other
more heinous possibilities.

> Is it possible that a subject of "failure notice" will
> some day not be sufficient to prevent this possibility?

It's not clear what you mean. If you destroy bounces, you prevent that
attack; however you also prevent people from seeing legitimate bounces.
In general, it is impossible to make bounces unforgeable.


Hi all !

What is supposed to contain the /var/qmail/control/locals file ?. Mine contains two 
lines like this:


The machine is called dns.bemarnet.es and is managing the mail for the bemarnet.es 
domain (and for several hundred domains with the same IP and the vpopmail package).

I think in this file must be the real name of the machine (dns.bemarnet.es) or the 
default domain (bemarnet.es), am I right ? 

The other files contain the following:

me -> dns.bemarnet.es
defaultdomain -> bemarnet.es
virtualdomains -> other domains like this: domain.com:domain.com
plusdomain -> bemarnet.es

(The 'me' file contains dns.bemarnet.es)

If I change this file and only place 'bemarnet.es' (one or two times in different 
lines) the mails sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] dissapear !!

The maillog file show that the file has been sent to the user, but there is nothing in 
the Maildir.


Antonio Navarro Navarro
BemarNet Management

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