I'm new to qmail (infact, just evaluating it, not using it yet) and have
some questions.

I was searching the archives for qmail performance issues, and found a
couple things I don't understand:

1.  Somebody mentioned a Japanese website that has performance stats
(http://www.kyoto.wide.ad.jp/mta/eval1/).  That same writer mentioned that
qmail did good on the comparisons, but honestly, I don't know what the
graphs mean just looking at the axis values.  Can anyone give me a
description?  I understand the values (DNS queries/answers,SMTP syn & fin),
but to me these would be stats I would expect for an OS or maybe machine.
What does it mean as far as MTA.. the more DNS queries/time an MTA sends out
the better? etc...

2.  Is DSNs vs. VERPs something I should worry about?  What I could gather
from the thread is that some MTAs send back DSN-formatted bounces and others
send VERP-formatted...is that right?  Can qmail process both as easily?
Will I have to write additional code to process DSNs?  or is "a bounce is a
bounce" to qmail no matter which format it comes in as?.

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

Marsha Petry

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