> SERVER RESPONSE: '553: sorry, that domains isn't in my list of allowed
> rcpthosts (#5.7.1) ( Account 'cdrinc.net', SMTP Server: 'cdrinc.net')

"that domain". 
/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts doesn't contain the domain name of the
recipient, and tcp-env or tcp-server (depending on how qmail-smtpd
is started) doesn't set the RELAYCLIENT variable.
I assume you need the later. Do not set it unconditionally, only
for client for which you do want to relay. See FAQ 5.4

> Secondly, I want to set up this one LINUX box to act as different domains.
> As far as email goes, keep everything completely seperate.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> checks mail.dom1.com for his mail..  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  checks mail.dom2.com
> for her mail. etc etc..
> I found one web site that explains how to do this
> (http://www.tibus.net/pgregg/projects/qmail/single-uid-howto.txt)  I
> followed this until it came to the users/assign and it lost me...

yeah, i felt the same the first time i saw it :-)

The solution depends on what you want and need. Easy one:
a) logins throw the normal UNIX services (/etc/passwd, shadow, 
   unmodified checkpassword). For example bob:
   Create ~bob/.qmail-default containing a single line,
   chown that to bob, 
   and "maildirmake ~bob/Maildir".
   Do the same for the other users (write a script for that).
   Mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" will not work, you need to
   create ~bob/.qmail for that.
b) /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:bob
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]:bob
   If all mails for domain.example are supposed to go to bob
   then use:
c) add domain.example to rcpthosts
d) do not add domain.example to locals.

See FAQ 3.2 and 3.3. See the qmail-send manual page for a detailed
description of the virtualdomains file.

Using the users/assign mechnism isn't hard either, but somewhat more
complicated, and scales better. There are some packages available to
handle that for you, see www.qmail.org

Regards, Uwe

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