
I'm sorry to trash your list with my problem.

ORBS obviously succeeds testing:

         RCPT TO:<victim@target@{relay}>

         Variation on the % address routing vulnerability above.

         not commonly used by spammers (yet).
This is the main point of the message they sent:

 X-Token: qhdhbpvadrzevflc
X-Envelope-Sender: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Envelope-Recipient: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[]>
I don't actually know if this mail is delivered. But they pretend...
How can I stop this?
(tcpserver is running, all other tests fail. The % test succeeds but the
mail isn't delivered because
I don't use the percenthack!)
Many thanks for any hints!
- Gerrit Ruesing

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