On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 02:21:07PM -0500, Keith Warno wrote:
> | "Keith Warno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> |
> | >I would like to add (or replace) a reply-to line to the header I suppose.
> | >Any idea how this could be achieved on the server side?
> | >
> | >PS -- I don't use any mailing list package nor do I have any intention to
> do
> | >so because the lists are tiny.  I just use a couple of .qmail-* files.
> :>
> |
> | Does this sound absurd:
> |
> |   I would like to add (or replace) parts to a car engine I suppose.
> |
> |   PS -- I don't use tools nor do I have any intention to do
> |   so because the engine is tiny.  I just use my fingers.  :>
> |
> | I suggest you bite the bullet and install ezmlm+ezmlm-idx.
> |> 
> If I could get away with using my fingers without much trouble why would I
> use the tools?  Qmail already has the capability to do what I want it to do
> out of the box; it's only a matter of actually doing it.
> ezmlm is serious overkill for a mailing list that currently serves three
> people and maybe eight sometime in the future.

Overkill? Well, think of this: If you had taken those 2 minutes it takes
to install basic ezmlm, and edit one small file and added those three
users, then you would have a Reply-to in your header yesterday, and even
maybe a prefix for the list :)

Who talks about too-much-trouble?

If it was about installing majordomo, I could've understood you, but

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