On Sun, 2 Jan 2000, Russell Nelson wrote:

> listy-dyskusyjne Krzysztof Dabrowski writes:
>  > Why can't we make something like this (qmail-whatever)?
>  > This way we can port all the exisiting patches that everyone is applying 
>  > these days into one bit patch
>  > and later on supporters can work off this patch to add more feautres?
>  > Applying a lot of patches to qmail these days leads me into reading diffs 
>  > manualy and adding them by hand.
>  > 
>  > Is this idea anything good in your opinion?
> Sure.  Propose a canonical set of patches.  About the only thing I
> install, and only on very high volume sites, is big-todo.  Oh, and the
> rblsmtpd multiple -r option patch.  Given that MAPS
> (http://mail-abuse.org) has adopted the DUL and RSS zones, you really
> need multiple zones.  And running multiple copies of rblsmtpd (Dan's
> suggested solution) is too much of a hack, given the simplicity of
> Aaron Nabil's patch.

Cool, thanks!  I like being useful. :)

But I was a bit surprised that you overlooked my POP "stat" bug on your
page, since qmail has so few (if any) other bugs, I was kinda expecting it
to get better billing. (maybe even it's own category and little box like
all the other categories!)  It isn't even mentioned!  Considering how much
a bug like that could screw up a email client, I'd certainly put it (and
the big-dns thing) into the "must patch" category.

It still lives at http://www.spiritone.com/~nabil/popstatbug.diff and
a search of the archives would turn up some explanatory material, in case
anyone needs it.  

Aaron Nabil

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