> For some reason, all mail to "drh.net" has been expiring and returning to
> me for weeks. So I'm posting this here hoping that either Dave Harris is
> still subscribed or one of you folks might be able to help me with
> smtp-poplock. Here goes!

That's not good. I've not known about any drh.net e-mail problems. Please
forward me some of these error messages at davideousNOSPAM @ yahoo.com. (Of
course, remove the "NOSPAM" from the e-mail address.)

> We have a need for smtp-poplock right now, and we're anxiously
> configuring it trying to get it working. Let me share a few
> comments/problems. I'd greatly value your feedback/assistance!

First, make sure you are running the latest version: smtp-poplock-2.04. You
probably are.. but just checking.

> -----------------------------------------
> 1. Perms on checkfifo
> I don't understand why you "chmod 644 checkfifo". In order to run it, I
> have to "chmod 755" or else it's not executable.

Ok. That's a bug. That will be fixed in the next version. Thanks for the heads

> -----------------------------------------
> 2. checkfifo fails unless readlog is running. It gives the error:
> bsd# /usr/src/smtp-poplock-2.04/checkfifo ./fifo
> error opening fifo: Device not configured at
> /usr/src/smtp-poplock-2.04/checkfifo line 16.
> However, it's worth mentioning that checkfifo does indeed pass the test if
> readlog is running. Also, running "fifo-safety" had no impact on this
> behavior.

Checkfifo does the following: it writes data to the fifo until it gets filled
up and blocks on writing, then it waits 90 seconds, and then checks to see if
it can write to the fifo. This is a check to make sure that the fifo will be
cleared if readlog is not running. It is just a test of fifo-safety, really.
So, disable readlog, enable fifo-safety, and give checkfifo a try.

> -----------------------------------------
> 3. Furthermore, checkfifo KILLS readlog every time.
> In case it helps, here's what things look like after "make install":
> bsd# pwd
> /var/smtp-poplock
> bsd# ls -l
> total 0
> -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  0 Dec 30 11:35 dbfile
> prw-------  1 root  wheel  0 Dec 30 12:11 fifo

Readlog was never intended to be running during a checkfifo run. Results are

> -----------------------------------------
> 4. /var/run/readlog.pid
> This file never appears to be created:
> bsd# /usr/sbin/readlog-starter restart
> cat: /var/run/readlog.pid: No such file or directory
> usage: kill [-s signal_name] pid ...
>        kill -l [exit_status]
>        kill -signal_name pid ...
>        kill -signal_number pid ...

What is your value for $pidfile from /etc/smtp-poplock.conf?

> -----------------------------------------
> 5. /usr/sbin/logpopauth-pre hangs POP
> After
> USER joe
> +OK
> PASS schmo
> there is no reply; the POP session is hung. Here is how it's running:
> #!/bin/sh
> /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -c 600 0 110 \
>    /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup `hostname` \
>    /usr/sbin/logpopauth-pre \
>    /bin/checkpassword \
>    /usr/bin/logpopauth-post \
>    /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d ./Maildir &
> All the other problems might be ignorable, but this one is a show-stopper.

Can you give me a nested process listing (like 'ps -axf' on linux)  so that I
can see where this has hung? Also, it's very important to have your values for
the logpopauth_where, readfile, readfile_isfifo configuration variables and
which data passing method from the INSTALL file you chose to implement.

Also, have you checked to make sure that POP works properly when logpopauth-pre
and logpopauth-post are removed?

> -----------------------------------------
> I'd value any suggestions or questions you have. Thanks!!
> Dave

 - David Harris
   Principal Engineer, DRH Internet Services

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