On Sun, Jan 16, 2000 at 07:02:24AM -0700, Mike wrote:
> I was wondering if someone could tell me how to send mail to one outgoing RehHat 
>server, and make that server round robbin to 10 other smtp servers?  I mail about 
>250,000 emails a night, and the subscriber base is expected to grow 50 fold over the 
>next 6 months and I am trying to gear up for it.  I just want to send 1 email to one 
>server somehow have it grab the list off of a SQL database on the same server, and 
>distribute it to the other 10 as load-balanced as possible for delivery.  Any 
>suggestions.  I have like 70 different ideas on the whole project, but cannot think 
>of a way to accomplish this paticular task.

Foundry Networks has just what you're looking for.
http://www.foundrynet.com. They make layer 4 switches called ServerIrons
that will load balance, do active failover, etc. 

A nicer solution than DNS, which is essentially "load sharing". Plus, the
ServerIron will handle failover in the event that one of your real SMTP
servers dies.

Good luck,


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