Hi ,

I hava make a remote access server with radius and porslave and store my
username on a mySQL table and radiusd authenticate via this table . So I
have patch my qmail with that patch I have find on www.qmail.org that can
make qmail to receive mail based on users and uid and gid and home dir that
stored on mySQL table well. So It patch checkpassword for authenticate via
mySQL table and qmail-pop3d work with this users that not stored in Linux
passwd and they are only a mySQL users . I have apply virtual host support
with mbox_host that can find in that patch .
So my services work well so well ! But my problem is that I want to have
IMAP service . So existance IMAP daemon only authenticate form PAM or passwd
but I wanna to authenticate via mySQL table or chechpassword program that I
have already patch it to authenticate via mySQL table . So Is there any way
to setting Courier-IMAP daemon or any other IMAP daemon that work with qmail
to authenticate via checkpassword or directly from mySQL table ?

Thank You
Hamid Hashemi
Morva.net Admin

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