qmail-smtpd returns responses beginning with 555 for syntax errors in the
parameters to MAIL and RCPT.  From qmail-smtpd.c:

void err_syntax() { out("555 syntax error (#5.5.4)\r\n"); }

RFC 821 says that x5y status codes are for mail system problems, while x0y
status codes should be used for syntax errors:

         The second digit encodes responses in specific categories:

            x0z   Syntax -- These replies refer to syntax errors,
                  syntactically correct commands that don't fit any
                  functional category, and unimplemented or superfluous


            x5z   Mail system -- These replies indicate the status of
                  the receiver mail system vis-a-vis the requested
                  transfer or other mail system action.

and it also specifically lists 501 as the error code to send for syntax
errors in parameters of a command:

         501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments

draft-ietf-drums-smtpupd-10.txt seems to agree.  Shouldn't qmail-smtpd use
501 as the status code in this case?

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])         <URL:http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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