Arne Hinrichsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>- a mail comes in from outside oder inside (same effect) to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>- joe exists as a user on that machine
>- joe's homedir is defined as /home/joe but does not exist due to a mistake

If ~joe doesn't exist, then there's no user "joe", as far as qmail is
concerned. See "man qmail-getpw". Delivery defaults to user "alias" in 
this case.

>- there is a file /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-joe which is empty

If a .qmail file is empty (0 bytes), it's equivalent to the
defaultdelivery specified in the qmail-start command. See "man
dot-qmail". If a .qmail is non-empty but contains no delivery
instructions (i.e., it consists only of comments) the mail is silently 
dropped (i.e., successfully delivered nowhere).

>Jan 28 14:29:23 ruth qmail: 949066163.819267 starting delivery 1083: msg 299898 to 
>Jan 28 14:29:23 ruth qmail: 949066163.983478 delivery 1083: success: did_0+0+1/

The "did_0+0+1" means it did 0 local forwards, 0 remote forwards, and
1 file delivery, so the message was written to a file somewhere.

>but its not locally deliverd to /var/spool/mail/$USER (procmail).

What does your qmail-start command look like?

>where is this mail gone ? It's not in postmasters mailbox nor anywhere else I

Did you look in alias's mailbox?

>Is it deleted due to the empty .qmail-joe user ?



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