On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 11:07:56AM +0500, Muhammad Ali wrote:
> Haylo....
> I got stick with a very little but conflicting problem. I want to enable POP3 on my 
>Qmail server. But simultaneously I want to run Procmail for mail delivery using 
>"/var/spool/mail" rather than Mailbox or Maildir. However I am not able to run POP 
>Daemon either on Procmail or Maildir/Mailbox. The resulting message while connecting 
>to POP D server appears:
> $ Telnet Qmail.mynet.com.pk 25
> $ user
> $ pass

What are you doing? 

POP3 service uses port 110.

This is how a sample POP3-session looks like:

[magnus@lungsot]$ telnet dbc.mtview.ca.us 110
Connected to dbc.mtview.ca.us.
Escape character is '^]'.
USER mali
PASS tanstaaf
Connection closed by foreign host.

> User has no mail folder in ~user/Maildir.
> Password not authenticated. 

You must use maildir. /var/spool/mail is _not_ an option.
> What the hell is this problem and how to handle it.

You must read the documentation for the pop3 service you choose
to use.



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