> Say the full path to Maildir is /home/user/Maildir. Do:

[ snip getting of full path permissions ]

> Compare the results with a working Maildir on a working 
> system. If you 
> don't see the problem, post the output of those commands here.

They are exactly the same (except that originally I
had the o+x bit set on the broken system because I also
have web pages in there), but here are the results:

[user@host user]$ ls -ld /
drwxr-xr-x  17 root     root         1024 Jan 24 19:32 /
[user@host user]$ ls -ld /home
drwxr-xr-x  10 root     root         4096 Feb  1 10:55 /home
[user@host user]$ ls -ld /home/user/
drwx------  12 user  user      4096 Feb  2 19:41 /home/user/
[user@host user]$ ls -ld /home/user/Maildir/
drwx------   7 user  user      4096 Feb  3 15:48 /home/user/Maildir/
[user@host user]$ ls -ld /home/user/Maildir/*
-rw-rw-r--   1 user  user        42 Feb  2 19:38
drwx------   2 user  user      4096 Feb  2 19:40 /home/user/Maildir/cur
drwx------   2 user  user      4096 Feb  2 19:00 /home/user/Maildir/new
drwx------   2 user  user      4096 Feb  3 12:57 /home/user/Maildir/tmp

In ~/Maildir, I also have .folder with permissions 700.

Oh.  Sudden brain spark.  On this system I use shadow
passwords, and on the others I don't.  Is there something
special that I have to do for one of the support programs?
My last email seems to indicate I do have a proper login
in the long run because it successfully reads my Maildir,
but maybe something in the middle has problems (I'm using
the open-smtpd patch to checkpassword.c).



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