Has any work been done on qmail-imap since 0.02, dated 12 March 1999
at ftp://ftp.qmail.org/imap/  ?  I applied the patch (for qmail-1.02) to
qmail-1.03.  It applied cleanly, largely because what the patch really
did was create two new .c files and modify the Makefile.  It seems
to work, but like the documentation says, that seems to be about it.

Using Netscape, if I tried to read the INBOX., I get the response,
"too many args", which appears to be in the do command (docmd)
function in qmail-imapd.c.  Unfortunately, this is the better of the
results I've gotten.  I suspect this may be due to the bugs in
Netscape's IMAP client that causes other IMAP daemon's to complain.

If qmail-imap is dead, what other options are there?  I've used
Courier IMAP, which supports Maildirs, but it chokes with Netscape
quite often.  I installed and have used cyrus imapd, but I cannot
find anything anywhere on how to make it use Maildirs, or even
make it coexist with qmail effectively.

The ideal solution, I think, would be qmail-imapd because it uses
checkpassword, which I've patched for selective relaying, as
well as its native support for maildir.  It's also pretty cool that
qmail-imapd implemented as a bunch of perl files.  ;)



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