>     I would like to know what the fields of qmail-qread mean .
>         For Example :
>7 Feb 2000 15:35:40 GMT #635162 2305 < >
>    local      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>I don't understand what the field < > means , it sometimes appear as
><#@[]> .

    <> is a "null return path."  When mail bounces, the bounce message is
usually sent with a null return path so that it can't bounce back and create
a mail loop.  This is specified in RFC821.

    <#@[]> is qmail's version of a null return path, which IIRC should
always remain local.  In other words, qmail uses it for things like double
bounces which don't leave the system.  (That's my recollection.  Searching
the archive will probably give you a more accurate and authoritative

>I would like to know How can I delete a mail from queue .

    If you shut down the qmail processes and remove the appropriate files
from the queue, that'll do it, but you're just as likely to mess up your
queue.  If you modify the date on the /var/qmail/queue/info/*/<msgid> file
so that it appears older than your default timeout, it'll bounce the next
time the queue runs.  But for most cases, you're probably better off leaving
it in the queue.

    -- Greg

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