qmail Digest 13 Feb 2000 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 910

Topics (messages 37139 through 37160):

Newbie - domestic network
        37139 by: Riva Lorenzo

        37140 by: Muhammad Ali

Can receive from outside but cannot send
        37141 by: Danny Yoo
        37143 by: Greg Owen

Re: is there any way to redirect deferrals?
        37142 by: Greg Owen
        37147 by: richard.illuin.org
        37151 by: Jeremy Hansen
        37152 by: Jeremy Hansen
        37153 by: Jeremy Hansen

Moving queued mail Was: forwarding outbound mail to hub
        37144 by: Mark E. Drummond
        37146 by: Mark E. Drummond
        37148 by: richard.illuin.org
        37157 by: Mark E. Drummond
        37158 by: Mark E. Drummond

Re: egg on MY face
        37145 by: Len Budney
        37149 by: Marek Narkiewicz
        37155 by: Jason Haar

        37150 by: Bob Rogers

Q: how can i...?
        37154 by: Sergey A. Ivanov

rblsmtpd and installing a patch
        37156 by: kevin

Re: Journalling and email loss
        37159 by: Pavel Kankovsky

Re: complex user routing
        37160 by: Magnus Bodin


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Hi all.
I've a simple, dial-up home network (ethernet linked), with just the server
and a client where I'm trying to set up a qmail-system.
I would like the mail for the client to end up on that machine via SMTP (i.e.
not to be holded on the server-mailhost).
On the server I've set up a DNS that works fine (i.e it resolves correctly the
name of my two workstations) and I've added a MX record for the client.
Lastly I've set up /control and  /alias files as well as qmail-smtpd
under tcpserver, following quite a lot of documentations and answers posted to
this list.  Still I haven't clear ideas on how to set it all up - infact I still
can't post e-mail from my server to my client ! :-((
Would anyone have pity for me and draw a very quick list of the steps I
must follow to make it working ?
Is it possible to  deliver e-mail to my client workstation without installing
qmail on that machine too (as indicated in qmail FAQ 7.4.) ?

Thanks a lot in advance !!

How can I turn on Quota for Qmail Users.....?


I've been trying to setup qmail for sometime now and I've finally given in
and I need some help.

Here's the scoop: I'm running qmail 1.03 on RedHat 6.1 running behind a
firewall with a registered domain name. The mail server is on a non-routing
private IP address but the firewall is portforwarding the correct ports to
the mail server.

I am able to receive mail from any location OUTSIDE of my private network.
So if I send mail to my domain via an external mail server (say my school's)
I receive it fine. But if I try to send mail FROM my server, no one seems to
get it and it disappears into who-knows-where. I tried sending to different
accounts ON the mail server machine FROM the mail server machine by
telnetting to localhost:25, and everything seems to run well. But when I
check the mail boxes there is nothing. When I try to reply to mail that was
set from an outside source, that also disappears...

Another problem (that's just making life harder) is that qmail doesn't seem
to be logging anything to /var/log/messages.

I followed http://www.sfu.ca/~yzhang/linux/qmail/chap1.html for setup. The
contents of my tcprules.smtp is:


and yes, I DID compile it (so I have a tcprules.smtp.cdb). All the other
/../control files seem to be correct - they contain my domain name and mail
server address at most.

The wierdest part is that everything works just fine EXCEPT that I can't
SEND mail from within my domain.

Any help that anyone could provide would be just great. =)

Thanks a lot in advance,

Danny Yoo
___/Distributed Computing Facilities    /__
__/Academic Computing Services         /___
_/Simon Fraser University             /____

>Another problem (that's just making life harder) is that qmail doesn't seem
>to be logging anything to /var/log/messages.

    Have you checked /var/log/maillog, which is the more likely location of
your logs?  If nothing is there, what startup line are you using in

    -- Greg

>On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 02:50:49AM -0500, Jeremy Hansen wrote:
>> Is there any way to have deferrals redirect to another system?  Basically
>> I have a machine that I need to do a large amount of outgoing mail and
>> like to keep deferrals away from the queue.
>If the deferrals should be redirected, it would pass the queue anyhow!
>if you mean that you would like to change the address
>then put "deferrals.example.com" in QMAILHOME/control/bouncehost
>Or did you refer to anything else?

    I read the question as "If the first attempt fails, transfer this
message to another machine so that the resources of the main machine will
not be used up by the set of deferrals that will sit there for a week before
bouncing.  Have the second machine spend a week attempting delivery while
the main machine continually buzzes through new mail."

    That would be very useful with a sendmail machine.  I think the mail
load would have to be pretty high for it to pay off with a qmail machine.

    -- Greg

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Jeremy Hansen wrote:

> Is there any way to have deferrals redirect to another system?  Basically
> I have a machine that I need to do a large amount of outgoing mail and I'd
> like to keep deferrals away from the queue.

The information on the type of message you are sending is missing from
your email. if you're doing mailing-list type sending of email I would
suggest doing things differently

1/ attempt the first delivery using qmail-remote directly.
2/ if this fails give the message to qmail to deliver.

then the only mesages qmail has to hold in its queue are those where the
first delivery attempt fails. to move these temp-fail messages to another
machine use qmtp

You know that. I know that. But when  ||  Austin, Texas
you talk to a monkey you have to      ||  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
grunt and wave your arms          -ck ||

This is what I mean.  The mail load is very high!  1 - 2 million messages
at a time with a high rate of bounces and deferrals.  Having deferrals
sitting their doing reattempts is definitely causing some slow down on


>     I read the question as "If the first attempt fails, transfer this
> message to another machine so that the resources of the main machine will
> not be used up by the set of deferrals that will sit there for a week before
> bouncing.  Have the second machine spend a week attempting delivery while
> the main machine continually buzzes through new mail."
>     That would be very useful with a sendmail machine.  I think the mail
> load would have to be pretty high for it to pay off with a qmail machine.
>     -- Greg

http://www.xxedgexx.com | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hmm, but bounces are different then deferrals, right?  A bounce is a
failure and will not be tried again, but a deferral remains in the queue
to be tried again.


> On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 02:50:49AM -0500, Jeremy Hansen wrote:
> > 
> > Is there any way to have deferrals redirect to another system?  Basically
> > I have a machine that I need to do a large amount of outgoing mail and I'd
> > like to keep deferrals away from the queue.
> If the deferrals should be redirected, it would pass the queue anyhow!
> if you mean that you would like to change the address
> then put "deferrals.example.com" in QMAILHOME/control/bouncehost
> Or did you refer to anything else?
> /magnus
> -- 
> http://x42.com/

http://www.xxedgexx.com | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Also I don't believe bouncehost has anything to do with
where the bounce message actually shows up, but rather just
alters the bounce notice to look like it's from


> On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 02:50:49AM -0500, Jeremy Hansen wrote:
> > 
> > Is there any way to have deferrals redirect to another system?  Basically
> > I have a machine that I need to do a large amount of outgoing mail and I'd
> > like to keep deferrals away from the queue.
> If the deferrals should be redirected, it would pass the queue anyhow!
> if you mean that you would like to change the address
> then put "deferrals.example.com" in QMAILHOME/control/bouncehost
> Or did you refer to anything else?
> /magnus
> -- 
> http://x42.com/

http://www.xxedgexx.com | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Mark E. Drummond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > «•ëk6›¢|+¢×ÿý‡¬ü‰z˜¶Ø§ÿû(®¼ÿr‹¥ÿùèÿ÷¬µ¦åŠÈÿjÿìšÚÿr‰çyËb
> Geez, I hate multipart/alternative and base64-encoded email.

Sorry about that everyone ... thought I was sending plain text by
default to the qmail list. A thousand lashes ...

Here is my current situation ... my machine is not _currently_ being
prevented from sending mail. I have a number of "critical" messages
sitting in my queue from my system monitoring software destined for my
pager ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and they are just sitting there.
One of my mission critical servers died early friday morning and I was
never notified!

All the non-critical stuff just goes to my email address,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The non-critical messages _are_ being delivered, the
critical ones are not, and each attempt at sending them results in

Is there something wrong with pagenet.ca domain? Perhaps *@rmc.ca is
being blocked at their end (we recently had a student go on a spamming
campaign)? nslookup returns:

Non-authoritative answer:
pagenet.ca      preference = 0, mail exchanger = mail.pagenet.ca
pagenet.ca      preference = 20, mail exchanger = mail2.pagenet.ca

Authoritative answers can be found from:
pagenet.ca      nameserver = ns.gecems.com
pagenet.ca      nameserver = ns2.gecems.com
mail.pagenet.ca internet address =
mail2.pagenet.ca        internet address =
ns.gecems.com   internet address =
ns2.gecems.com  internet address =

> Non-authoritative answer:
> pagenet.ca      preference = 0, mail exchanger = mail.pagenet.ca
> pagenet.ca      preference = 20, mail exchanger = mail2.pagenet.ca

Some further investigation: trying to telnet to port 25 on either MX 

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host

but from one of my other servers I have no problem.

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, Mark E. Drummond wrote:

> > Non-authoritative answer:
> > pagenet.ca      preference = 0, mail exchanger = mail.pagenet.ca
> > pagenet.ca      preference = 20, mail exchanger = mail2.pagenet.ca
> Some further investigation: trying to telnet to port 25 on either MX 
> telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host
> but from one of my other servers I have no problem.

it's a network-layer problem then...

what does traceroute show you?
 if it doesn't leave your machine then your routing tables are broken

You know that. I know that. But when  ||  Austin, Texas
you talk to a monkey you have to      ||  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
grunt and wave your arms          -ck ||

> what does traceroute show you?
>  if it doesn't leave your machine then your routing tables are broken

That's the kicker ... I can traceroute to both machines from my
workstation, but I get "No Route" when trying to telnet to port 25. But
I can jump over to any of my servers and telnet to the remote port 25 no
problem. Now I am at a complete loss.

Wait a minute ... I am not at a complete loss ... I just tried
telnetting to port 25 on an MX at another company where I moonlight ...
no route to host. It looks like my Net Manager has indeed prevented me
from making outbound SMTP connections.

OK, so here I sit with 34 messages in my queue. How do I go about
telling my qmail, to a) send those queued messages to my mail hub and b)
send all future messages to my mail hub? (I assume both are solved the
same way).

Answered my own question. :my.mail.hub in smtproutes.

Andre Oppermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Appearantly you mixed something up here. FFS never did journaling and
> neither does softupdates.

Indeed. :( Apparently, I misread the following about two years ago,
and never looked back:

   qmail's queue (except for bounce message contents) is crashproof if
   the filesystem guarantees that single-byte writes are atomic and that
   directory operations are synchronous. These guarantees are provided by
   the BSD FFS and its derivatives, and by typical journaling filesystems.

I'll call you back when I learn to read,

When the OS already provides a simple, widely used, thoroughly tested
mechanism, it makes no sense to give every program a half-assed
imitation of the same mechanism.
                                -- Dan Bernstein

I hope nobody minds this rather newbie remark but I have been attempting to follow 
this thread through its duration and was 
wondering if someone could explain now it's concluded which is the optimum filesystem 
to use for qmail in general and 
which is the best available under linux. And also will the offering from ibm to the OS 
community be worth watching for this 
application? Thanks all,

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000 10:13:18 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Andre Oppermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Appearantly you mixed something up here. FFS never did journaling and
>> neither does softupdates.
>Indeed. :( Apparently, I misread the following about two years ago,
>and never looked back:
>   qmail's queue (except for bounce message contents) is crashproof if
>   the filesystem guarantees that single-byte writes are atomic and that
>   directory operations are synchronous. These guarantees are provided by
>   the BSD FFS and its derivatives, and by typical journaling filesystems.
>I'll call you back when I learn to read,
>When the OS already provides a simple, widely used, thoroughly tested
>mechanism, it makes no sense to give every program a half-assed
>imitation of the same mechanism.
>                               -- Dan Bernstein

On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 05:00:01PM +0000, Marek Narkiewicz wrote:
> I hope nobody minds this rather newbie remark but I have been attempting to follow 
>this thread through its duration and was 
> wondering if someone could explain now it's concluded which is the optimum 
>filesystem to use for qmail in general and 
> which is the best available under linux. And also will the offering from ibm to the 
>OS community be worth watching for this 
> application? Thanks all,

The answer is - it depends who you ask ;-)

I am of the opinion that Linux's ext2 filesystem is of high enough quality
(i.e. that this metadata issue just isn't an issue). As others have said
(including Linus himself), the "proof is in the pudding" - and Linux servers
don't tend to lose files.

[Obviously for apps where stability and reliability are important, not
dicking with the kernel, good hardware and UPSes are of course mandatory
requirements to the above statement.]


Jason Haar

Unix/Network Specialist, Trimble NZ
Phone: +64 3 3391 377 Fax: +64 3 3391 417

   I just started the process of installing qmail last night, and I'm
having trouble with local mbox delivery.  It has the distinct smell of a
common problem, but I can't seem to find anything in the FAQ (or
elsewhere), and my eyes are getting bleary from reading the mailing
list, so please bear with me.

   I'm on Red Hat 6.0, with VM 6.75 under emacs 20.3 as my MUA:

   Here's what I see in /var/log/maillog when qmail tries to deliver an
enqueued message to my ~/Mailbox file:

    Feb 12 10:34:47 hostname qmail: 950369687.686971 starting delivery 39: msg 110876 
    Feb 12 10:34:47 hostname qmail: 950369687.687264 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
    Feb 12 10:34:48 hostname qmail: 950369688.156477 delivery 39: deferral: 
    Feb 12 10:34:48 hostname qmail: 950369688.156733 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

This has been going on all night.  It appeared to happen at first after
reading the previous batch of messages in VM (which uses movemail), but
deleting the file and recreating it doesn't fix the problem.  Is this a
locking issue?  What am I missing here?

   FWIW, I would like to stick to mbox format, rather than Maildir,
since my needs are simple . . .

   Thanks in advance,

                                        -- Bob Rogers

Some questions:
1. How can i limit number of outgoing SMTP connections to single host? Not
just overall outgoing connections, but on per-host basis?
2. How can i log result of ALL incoming SMTP sessions? By default
qmail-smtpd log only successful conections.

sorry for my english.

Hi All,

I'm want to apply a patch to rblsmtpd which allows it to use more than 
one listing service.  Where do I put the patch file and what are the 
commands to apply the patch ?

My patch file multirbls.diff currently sits in the directory : 

Is this right and how to I apply the patch?


Kevin Smith
Lemon Lainey Design UK

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Len Budney wrote:

> I'd be fascinated to know whether that's _ever_ a good idea. In the
> situations you describe, the MTA _must_ stall the sender until it
> finished processing the message.

It is a good strategy if and only if the time needed to pass the message
to the next stop is comparable to the time needed to store the message in
a safe way. (Otherwise, it would be a rather stupid strategy.)

> If the MTA is forwarding via SMTP, then senders will typically suffer
> a delay of over ten seconds.

If the next MTA is on my LAN, the next MTA will deliver it locally, and I
start piping the message to it as soon as the sender starts sending it to
me, the resulting additional delay might be negligible.

> If the MTA is filtering through a program, then senders will suffer an
> unpredictable delay which can easily be manipulated by a malicious
> recipient.

This depends on the program. :)

> As an added bonus, you get all the code bloat which goes into deciding
> whether to forward, filter or queue messages.

This decision must be made. Sooner or later. The fact that a certain piece
of code is executed sooner does not make that code bigger. The bloat
(compared to qmail) would go elsewhere.

> The examples which you gave don't look like viable alternatives, though.

Well, look at...ehm...certain existing pieces of software with millions
of installations. The world's notion is viability is very flexible,
isn't it? :)

BTW: mini-qmail is an example of a trivial single-purpose MTA (or quasi
MTA) that does never save messages to disk. Should it be thrown away
etc.? :)

--Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  [ Boycott Microsoft--http://www.vcnet.com/bms ]
"Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 04:02:45PM +0530, sachin wrote:
>  what i want is i am useing aceindia.com as local mail server. some user are located 
>at diffrent location . there is also qmail mail server with aceindia.com as local 
>mail server. what i want for that location user mail should send to my isp smtp 
>server without changing the rcpt & from header. 
>  ex local user [EMAIL PROTECTED] other location user is [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>  when i compose message for [EMAIL PROTECTED] it should user my isp smtp server fro 
>sending mail . it is possible in sendmail why not in qmail
>  or here is any way to do this 

If you do handle "aceindia.com" locally, then redirecting mail for
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to another mail account on another host is a matter of
simple forwarding. 

It's not very wise to combine LOCAL delivery on a domain on host1 and have
LOCAL delivery for the same domain on host2 if there in separate networks,
as it imposes problems in DNS configuraion and managing as well as it makes
things more complex administrationg the qmail server(s). 

Take also a look at my cookbook-examples here: 
 (not yet properly formatted, though)




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