Source:  New York Times

February 25, 2000

U.S. Lets Professor Put Encryption on Internet


 WASHINGTON -- The United States will allow a computer scientist to put
instructions for writing a powerful computer data-scrambling program on his
Web site, but his high-profile lawsuit challenging U.S. export restrictions
on encryption may continue, his lawyer said Thursday. 

President Bill Clinton in January dramatically liberalized once-strict U.S.
export limits on encryption programs, which scramble information and render
it unreadable without a password or software "key." The changes recognized
that encryption, used in everything from Web browsing software to cellular
telephones, has become essential for securing electronic commerce and
global communications. 

 The move also followed a May 6, 1999 decision by a U.S. Appeals Court
panel that the old rules barring University of Illinois professor Daniel
Bernstein from posting instructions for his "Snuffle" program on the
Internet were an unconstitutional violation of the scientist's freedom of

 In a private advisory letter sent last week, the U.S. Commerce Department
confirmed that the new encryption export policy permitted Bernstein to post
instructions, called source code, for his program on the Internet for all
to see. Any other computer programmer could easily compile the source code
into a functioning program. 

 "In light of the changes in licensing and review requirements for publicly
available source code, the new regulations do not interfere with his
planned activities as you have described them," the Commerce Department
letter said in response to a letter from Bernstein's lawyer. 

 Under the old rules, Bernstein had to obtain an export license for each
person who wanted to view his Web site from outside the United States -- an
impossible task given the Net's global reach. 

 But the new rules allow anyone to post encryption source code on the
Internet as long as they also send a copy to the government and do not
charge royalties for use of the code. 

 "We are still considering our options," said Cindy Cohn, Bernstein's
lawyer. Cohn said the Commerce Department letter failed to clear up some
questions about the new rules. 

 The department did make clear that a Web site which merely picked up code
posted by someone else, a practice known as mirroring, would not be held
responsible for following the export rules. And Bernstein or others would
not have to notify the government again each time they posted bug fixes or

 Bernstein's lawsuit came about because under the old rules, a book
containing computer source code could be shipped out of the United States
without restriction but the same source code posted on the Internet or put
on a floppy disk could not be "exported" without a license. 

 A three-judge panel of the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals last year
decided two to one that the old rules violated the First Amendment by
restricting Bernstein's speech. But in January, the full court asked the
panel to reconsider the ruling in light of the new Clinton policy.   

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