On Mon, Feb 28, 2000 at 01:27:35PM -0700, Robert Holder wrote:
> Can someone help me out here?  /var/log/qmail/smtpd/current is full of this:
> @4000000038bad9c40841e24c tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out IP address
> for 501
> @4000000038bad9c50d89724c tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out IP address
> for 501
> @4000000038bad9c612ecb03c tcpserver: fatal: unable to figure out IP address
> for 501
> and qmail is queuing messages, but it won't deliver them and they never
> leave the queue (as reported by qmail-qstat and qmail-qread).   here are the
> relevant entries for my /etc/group file:
> [root@mail smtpd]# grep 50 /etc/group
> nofiles:x:501:
> qmail:x:502:
> ...so... my guess is that my tcprules are hosed?

My guess is that the IP address you've given tcpserver is wrong or you've
given it a hostname that it cannot resolve. How is tcpserver started and
what's on the command line?


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