I apologize in advance for the length of this message--I've been reading this list and
searching the archive and FAQ for some time, so I'm trying to anticipate all of the 
about my problem that one might need to solve it...

I've recently installed qmail-1.03 (no patches) and am trying to test local
deliveries on my host (running FreeBSD-3.4-STABLE). I'm having delivery
failures similar to ones that seem to have come up over and over again
on this list--all seem related to file/dir permissions, but I just can't track this 

Injecting a message into qmail-inject per the instructions in TEST.deliver results
in success for root (the message is queued), but the log complains:

2000-02-16 16:17:21.868117500 delivery 1: deferral: 
2000-02-16 16:17:21.868230500 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

qmail-qsanity (latest version) output:
fletch# qmail-qsanity
uid incorrect (is 0, want 7779) on mess/21/22584

qmail-lint (latest version) is silent, so I'm assuming my basic config is OK.

1. The log and qmail-qsanity are pointing at the problem--but why isn't the correct 
uid set for 
this message?  Manually chown'ing the message to qmails results in immediate delivery.

2. Injecting a message as a regular user results in:

fletch: 04:23pm ~ $ echo to: gordonm | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
qmail-inject: fatal: qq trouble creating files in queue (#4.3.0)

Why is this?

I have run 'make setup check' from the qmail build directory--no errors were noted.

qmail directory perms:
fletch# ll -a /var/qmail
total 11
drwxr-xr-x  11 root    qmail  -  512 Feb 16 15:31 .
drwxr-xr-x  20 root    wheel  -  512 Feb 15 20:33 ..
drwxr-sr-x   2 alias   qmail  -  512 Feb 15 21:50 alias
drwxr-xr-x   2 root    qmail  - 1024 Feb 15 22:43 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root    qmail  -  512 Feb 15 20:34 boot
drwxr-xr-x   2 root    qmail  -  512 Feb 15 20:40 control
drwxr-xr-x   2 root    qmail  - 1024 Feb 15 20:34 doc
drwxr-xr-x  10 root    qmail  -  512 Feb 15 20:34 man
drwxr-x---   3 root    qmail  -  512 Feb 15 22:15 qmail-send
drwxr-x---  11 qmailq  qmail  -  512 Feb 16 15:31 queue
drwxr-xr-x   2 root    qmail  -  512 Feb 15 20:34 users

qmail-queue perms:
fletch# ll /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue
-rws--x--x  1 qmailq  qmail  - 17776 Feb 16 15:31 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue

I've seen this one come up in lots of messages on this list as a problem... mine is:
prw--w--w-  1 qmails  qmail  -    0 Feb 16 15:31 trigger

Plenty of free disk space and inodes on /var:
fletch# df -i /var
Filesystem   1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity iused   ifree  %iused  Mounted on
/dev/da0s1h     148823     5776   131142     4%     656   36782     2%   /var

I'm starting and controlling qmail from /service:

fletch# ll /service/qmail-send
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  - 21 Feb 15 22:31 /service/qmail-send -> 

With a run file in ~qmail-send:
exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start ./Maildir/ multilog t /var/log/qmail

Which results in:
fletch# ps -aux | grep qmail
root      5406  0.0  0.1   768  304  ??  I     4:13PM   0:00.00 supervise qmail-send
qmails    5407  0.0  0.0   220  104  ??  I     4:13PM   0:00.01 qmail-send
qmaill    5408  0.0  0.1   780  308  ??  I     4:13PM   0:00.00 multilog t 
root      5409  0.0  0.0   176   60  ??  I     4:13PM   0:00.00 qmail-lspawn ./Maildir/
qmailr    5410  0.0  0.0   176   60  ??  I     4:13PM   0:00.00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq    5411  0.0  0.0   172   60  ??  I     4:13PM   0:00.00 qmail-clean

Stopping/restarting qmail via svc doesn't help, either. What do I need to do to enable 
of local messages fed to qmail-inject?  (THEN I'll work on qmail-smtpd...).

I've had NO trouble with other djb software on my machine (dnscache,
publicfile, daemontools, ucspi-tcp)--this is driving me nuts. Please help!


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