qmail Digest 14 Feb 2000 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 911

Topics (messages 37161 through 37174):

Re: -ERR authorization failed
        37161 by: Juergen Kleer

Re: imap, CRAM-MD5
        37162 by: listy-dyskusyjne Krzysztof Dabrowski

        37163 by: Jim Koutoumis
        37168 by: Keith Warno

        37164 by: Michael Boyiazis

Mail Aging
        37165 by: mack.ms1.hinet.net
        37166 by: Peter C. Norton

MX Records and the like
        37167 by: Erich Zigler

hotmail to a 5.5 exchange box..
        37169 by: Marc-Adrian Napoli
        37170 by: Alex Shipp

remote localhost...
        37171 by: Brian

Re: qmail on FFS with softupdates
        37172 by: Anand Buddhdev

Anyone using Qmail in a corporate environment, got time on your hands ?
        37173 by: John P. Looney

address translation
        37174 by: Hans Sandsdalen


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On Sat, Feb 12, 2000 at 05:16:56PM -0000, Derrick Hopkins wrote:
> Hi, I'm having a problem with password authentication using qmail-pop3d and
> checkpassword.
> and here is a snippet from my inet.conf
> ---------
> tcpserver -v -c 400 -u 102 -g 504 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
> &1|/var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &
> pop3    stream  tcp     nowait  root    /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
> qmail-popup test.com /bin/checkpassword
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Mailbox
> ---------
> Can anyone help?
If you use your standard system password for pop access, and if you
have shadow passwords on your system (check for /etc/shadow or the 
like), checkpassword is unable to read the encrypted password if
it is not run as root (and in your setup, it isn't because it will
be executed as uid 102/gid 504). You can either delete the entries
in your inetd.conf (-u 102 -g 504) or make checkpassword setuid root.

The first alternative means that qmail-smtpd will also run as root,
in the second, only checkpassword will run as root. Decide which one
to use depending on the grade of your security paranoia ;-)

I had the same problem when I first set up a qmail server.

Hoping to have helped,

Juergen Kleer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Anyone know how to manually generate the proper response?

Take my cram md5 checkpassword and modify it a bit. Keyed md5 routines are 



Hi all,

I'm looking for an easy way to reject mail from specific domains, but I'd
like to capture the WHOLE domain, even if there's sub-domains or variable
hosts present in the envelope.


I know I can:

To catch a complete domain, sub-domain or an individual.

But, is it possible to accommodate a variable host, or further sub-domains


Can I reject all of the above with a simple one-liner ??

Guess I'm asking if badmailfrom does any form of 'wildcarding' ??

If not,... is bmfcheck region within qmail-smtpd.c the right place for this
to be accommodated ??

I'd like to be able to put a one-liner entry like just ".domain" and then
have it all silently never get seen.

Thanks in advance,


Hmmm.. I thought I saw something, somewhere amongst this list that does that
sort of thing..

.oO( or was that for locals? )

badmailfrom doesn't do any sort of wildcarding.  Your best bet is probably
to check http://www.qmail.org/ and see if there's a patch to do that sort of
thing .

I wrote a quick hack to reject mail from specific users or entire domains
(using regular expressions) but it's intended to be used in a .qmail file.


** Keith Warno
** Make Us An Offer, Inc.
** Real-Time Online Haggling
** http://www.HaggleWare.com/

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Koutoumis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 13 February 2000, Sunday 16:39
Subject: badmailfrom

| Hi all,
| I'm looking for an easy way to reject mail from specific domains, but I'd
| like to capture the WHOLE domain, even if there's sub-domains or variable
| hosts present in the envelope.
| Basically:
| I know I can:
| @domain
| @sub.domain
| user@domain
| To catch a complete domain, sub-domain or an individual.
| But, is it possible to accommodate a variable host, or further sub-domains
| ??
| eg.
| @sub1.domain
| @sub2.domain
| @host1.sub1.domain
| @host2.sub1.domain
| Can I reject all of the above with a simple one-liner ??
| Guess I'm asking if badmailfrom does any form of 'wildcarding' ??
| If not,... is bmfcheck region within qmail-smtpd.c the right place for
| to be accommodated ??
| I'd like to be able to put a one-liner entry like just ".domain" and then
| have it all silently never get seen.
| Thanks in advance,
| Jim.....

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ricardo Cerqueira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 12:20 PM
> OK, here goes maxrcpt for qmail 1.03. I've given it its own 
> error code (666 :) ). RFC fanatics, strip it out yourselves ;-)
> One note. The default maxrcpt behavior is to deliver it's max 
> number of messages, and dropping the others. If you want it 
> to reject everything, change 
> void err_excessrcpt() { out("666 Too many recipients 
> specified (#5.5.4)\r\n"); }
> to
> void err_excessrcpt() { out("666 Too many recipients 
> specified (#5.5.4)\r\n"); _exit(1); }

I've done the above w/ a 5XX series error and the exit(1).  
Unfortunately I seem to be tossing mailing list emails out,
not just the joker trying to mail to 2000 people at once.

My understanding was that the mailing list software should
be able to deal w/ the bounce given the 5XX error?  Would 
they not get one due to the exit(1)?  If so (not getting the 
bounce), how should I rig this so they would? 


NetZero - Defenders of the Free World
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Hi there,

I saw some discussion on 'mail aging' in the archive. The messages were dated
Sept. '98. I am looking for method to delete all the mails sitting in the maildirs for
more than certain days and am wondering if something had really been implemented 
after that discussion.

Thanks in advance !


If you want to use standard unix commands in a shell script, then something
like the following will do you (YMMV, this is untested, no warranty, user
serviceable parts inside, so get a screwdriver, etc):

---begin unix101.sh---


NUMDAYS=60 # Let's just assume approximately 2 months.

find $path_to_maildir -type f -ctime +${NUMDAYS} | xargs -n 1000 rm

---end unix101.sh---

If you only want to delete read messages, then put in $path_to_maildir/cur
instead.  Run from cron on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.


On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 08:32:29AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi there,
> I saw some discussion on 'mail aging' in the archive. The messages were dated
> Sept. '98. I am looking for method to delete all the mails sitting in the maildirs 
> more than certain days and am wondering if something had really been implemented 
> after that discussion.
> Thanks in advance !
> -----------
> W.H.Li

The 5 year plan:
In five years we'll make up another plan.
Or just re-use this one.

I have been currently searching documentation for an answer to this
question, maybe its there but I havent found it. Or maybe I overlooked it
and have gone daft. Here is the situation

I have two mail servers. Server 1 is listed as MX record 10 in the DNS
records. Server 2 is listed as MX record 20 in the DNS records.
What do I have to do in qmail to make it so if Server 1 goes down that all
the mail is stored on Server 2? And is it stored temporarily until Server 1
goes back up or does it try to deliver it into the user's mailboxes? Im
using qmail 1.03 and the lastest version of vpopmail by the way.

Erich Zigler                    ----                  System Administrator
 The purpose of woriting is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning,
      and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an
            intimidating and impenetrable fog! -- Calvin

Hi qmailers,

We have a 5.5 exchange box somewhere on our network. When we send to that
exchange box from hotmail we get the following message:

> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at hotmail.com.
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
> addresses.
> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> Connected to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX but connection died. Possible duplicate!
> I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.

However, we don't get problems sending to that exchange server from anywhere
else. even other web based email systems.

any ideas anyone?


Marc-Adrian Napoli
Connect Infobahn Australia
+61 2 92811750

> Connected to XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX but connection died. Possible duplicate!

Do you have bare CRs in the email you were trying to send? We have
seen exactly this problem in such a situation. Try sending a plain
email from hotmail. If that works, but your other message doesnt,
suspect a bare CR problem.

This message has been checked for all known viruses by the Star Screening System


i am having trouble with qmail...it seems to be treating messages
addressed in the form user@localhost as mail to be delevered remotely
instead of locally...i get the same error every time (#5.4.6)

what i'm trying to do is use fetchmail to d/l messages from remote
servers, but since it defaults to sending to user@localhost my messages
aren't arriving as desired...

if anyone would like to get back to me on this it would be greatly
appreciated...i'll provide any further required information.  i have a feeling
that there is a very simple solution to my problem, but i have been
unable to find it despite many hours of unproductive

On Fri, Feb 11, 2000 at 08:54:52PM +0100, Andre Oppermann wrote:

> > FFS with sync metadata (the default) does.  I'm not
> > sure on FFS/softupdates.
> It does also for softupdates. The only case FFS does not guarantee this
> is when you mount FFS async.

This is what I read in the qmail FAQ:

"What types of filesystems are safe for mail? 

Answer: qmail's queue (except for bounce message contents) is crashproof
if the filesystem guarantees that single-byte writes are
atomic and that directory operations are synchronous. These guarantees
are provided by the BSD FFS and its derivatives, and by
typical journaling filesystems. 

Do not use async (or softupdates) filesystems; if you do, and if your
system crashes at the wrong moment, you will lose mail. Under
Linux, make sure that all mail-handling filesystems are mounted sync.
The same comments apply to sendmail and other mailers. 

It is safe to put qmail's queue on a noatime filesystem."

Dan does not recommend the use of a softupdates file system for
the queue. If FFS+softupdates = standard FFS+faster, then there
should be no harm in using it. Dan, any comments?

See complete headers for more info

 A friend is desperately trying to stop his boss blowing $300,000 on an
exchange mail server & support for his company. He has laid out a decent
enough IMP/IMAP/Qmail solution to help the boss do the Right Thing.  

 However, the boss isn't convinced that a Linux or BSD box running free
software can be A) supported B) handle as much as exchange, and C) run in
a Corporate environment (he doesn't consider universities or ISPs to be a
"Corporate environment!).
 Could someone with a bit of time on their hands, that's working with a
5,000+ user base, with free software email me off-list, with something I
can send to said Pointy Haired Boss ? I think one or two *working*
commerical sites would be sufficent.


How do I make qmail understand addresses like host!user@domain?

I have installed HP jetadmin on a Solaris 7 system, and when
there are printing errors it sends a mail to the user with 
addresses like this.

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