On Tue, 15 Feb 2000 10:12:01 -0500, Angus Robertson wrote:

>Is it possible to have the ezmlm-idx web archive on a seperate server
>from the qmail/ezmlm server?

Yes, and no. The idea with ezmlm-cgi is to access the archive directly
without the [admin and space] overhead of separate storage. Thus,
ezmlm-cgi needs to have access to a list archive. You can have a
separate machine and access the archive over NFS, you can set up a
sublist and access that archive (as I've done for
http://id.wustl.edu/cgi-ez/ezmlm-cgi/1#b), or you can use e.g. MHonarc.

Since ezmlm-cgi does formatting on-the-fly it is ideal for systems that
have many lists with relatively little http access per list. It is easy
to set up for an entire host and can serve lots of lists (at some point
a cdb config file will be supported to make that scale better -
currently you can just set up several ezmlm-cgi with say 100 lists
each). If you have a lot of http access it becomes more advantageous to
translate only once and store the html files, even though ezmlm-cgi is
quite efficient. At the moment, e.g. MHonarc may be better in this

The next step is to make ezmlm-cgi run directly under tcpserver and use
file time stamps to give modification dates and handle
if-modified-since. Using this, especially combined with e.g. squid will
make it much more efficient (I think faster than serving preformatted
files from Apache [speculation, not profiled ;-)]).

-Sincerely, Fred

(Frederik Lindberg, Infectious Diseases, WashU, St. Louis, MO, USA)

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