Yes. Since using GMT would allow better ease in tracking down mail problems
(if everyone used GMT instead of some using EST, EDT, PST, etc.).

Matt Soffen 
        Web Intranet Developer
Boss    - "My boss says we need some eunuch programmers."
Dilbert - "I think he means UNIX and I already know UNIX."
Boss    - "Well, if the company nurse comes by, tell her I said 
             never mind."
                                       - Dilbert -

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Johnson [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 10:12 AM
> To:   Qmail-List
> Subject:      Re: TZ for qmail
> I believe by default qmail is supposed to always use GMT no matter what...
> this
> is something of a feature?
> anyway, there is a small patch here:
> to
> make
> qmail  use your local timezone...
> Aled Treharne wrote:
> > Where can I set the TZ for qmail? It's currently using GMT (although
> both my
> > h/w clock and my TZ is set to EST). This kinda gets annoying. :)

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