According to Len Budney:
> I recommend safecat, which you can find at
> <>. Using the
> embedded script `maildir', your rule would be rewritten as:

I'm trying to use safecat on a very busy email server, and noticed
while lookin at the output of truss(1) that all writes to the file are
being done a single character at the time:

        % cat writefile.c


        /* ****************************************************************** */
        void writefile(int fd) {
          char membuf[512];
          int n = 0;
          int m = 0;
          int count = 0;
          char *bufptr;

          /* Copy stdin to the output file, watching the return values each time. */
          while(1) {
            /* Read stdin into the buffer. */
            n = read(STDIN_FILENO, membuf, 512);
            if(n<0 && errno == EINTR) continue;
            if(n<0) {
              perror("Error reading input");
            if(n == 0) break;

            /* Write the buffer to our file. */
            bufptr = membuf;
            for(count=0; count < n; count++) {
****>>        do{m = write(fd, bufptr, 1);} while( m==0 || (m<0 && errno == EINTR));
              if(m<0) {
                perror("Error writing output");

Is there some special reason why large size write can't/shouldn't be done?
If there isn't, does anyone have an updated version of this routine (I'm not a C 
programmer :-(


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