Hi John,
Would you be willing to share the scripts/setup you use to achieve the labeling that
you do? I'd like to be able to replicate this on our end -- labeling is better than
rejecting, I think, because it allows after-the-fact analysis, plus it allows
different users to choose how aggressively they want to filter.
At 1:35 PM -0800 2/29/00, Jon Rust wrote:
>At 3:27 PM -0500 2/29/00, Mark E. Drummond wrote:
>>I am currently using rblsmtpd to block spammers on the RBL. I may add ORBS as
>>well. Think I'll wait, gather some stats on how much is being blocked by RBL,
>>and then compare with RBL+ORBS.
>Sorry, no suggestions for the rest of your mail, but I do have a comment here. Be
>very careful about blocking email with ORBS. You /will/ loose legit email. I use
>rblcheck in conjunction with maildrop and a small perl script to add headers to
>suspected spam (eg, "X-Spam: based on relay(1)"). I wanted to see what
>sort of effect rblsmtpd would have. I compare the IP address of the last relay before
>it got my server against
> relays.orbs.org
> rbl.maps.vix.com
> dul.maps.vix.com
> relays.mail-abuse.org
>Yes, ORBS catches a ton of spam. It also labels a lot of email that I'd like to see,
>as spam. The others haven't. In particular relays.mail-abuse.org seems to catch a
>fair amount of spam without mis-labeling any real mail (so far). Next would be DUL,
>with RBL bringing up the rear. (Just going by numbers of matches.) Some that have
>been ORBS listed: cauce.org (!!!), msdw.com, ebay.com, and networksolutions.com. Ouch.
>That's not to say ORBS isn't useful: it is. I generally try to contact the admin of
>the machine to inform them that they are being used as a relay (or just open for
>relay). If we can decrease the number of open relays using ORBS, then it's served its
>purpose. But I would never use ORBS to block mail. (Not to mention the people who run
>ORBS have been accused of adding servers run by people who don't agree with their
>tactics, for no other reason but vengence. I can't verify that's true, but kinda
>scary nonetheless.)
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