On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 08:45:36AM -0500, Uncle George wrote:
> using the mbox2maildir routines, I converted myself. During that process I
> ran outta disk space - oh well.
> turned off the machine, I went to sleep.
> This morning I turned on the machine. Saw that there were some 30000 msgs
> of about 144megs of data in my Maildir.
> Told netscape ( on a remote unix machine ) to "Get Mesg", which logged into
> my account on the qmail/server machine & began processing . Some 45 mins
> later( on a 486/66mhz ) It appears that the qmail-pop3 daemon gave up ( ie
> that process disappeared ). Now in its place there are 4 qmail-pop3d
> daemons spinning in its stead.

What does "spinning its stead" mean? Is that computer lingo? What makes you
think that those four instances of qmail-pop3d are replacements for the
original one? What makes you think the original one "gave up"?

> The remote mail-reader ( appears to have done nothing ie it didn't read
> that ~30000 msgs ), but it regained control back ( ie "get mesg" button is
> no longer grey'ed out )

This is incomprehensible.

> Btw: I suppose no-one can tell me why /var/qmail/sendmail <gat@localhost>
> fails with qmail.

What did you expect it to do? How is is failing? What *is* /var/qmail/sendmail?
It doesn't exist in a standard qmail installation.


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