Is there any limit  on tcpserver forking processes? I have configured
tcpserver to fork qmail-smtpd with concurrent sessions of 2000. I have
made a simulator that makes upto 2000 connections to qmail-smtpd. But
when the simulator reaches 1247 connections, tcpserver reports error
which is:

tcpserver: warning: dropping connection, unable to fork: temporary

I am testing this on a P-III, 500MHz RedHat Linux 6.1 machine with
512MB RAM and 1GB SWAP. The machine is off-line and there is no queue. I
am only using it to stress test the machine so I can arrive at a value
on number of simultaneous connections this machine can take. The
simulator connects to port 25 and simply says "HELO localhost\r\n".

/proc/sys/fs/file-max is defined as 65536. Is there any additional
fine-tuning I need to do with the kernel or file-system?

Thanks in advance.

- Ashok

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