On Thu, Mar 16, 2000 at 08:34:09PM -0000, Gabriel Ambuehl wrote:
> I'm searching for an easy solution to operate two servers using qmail that
> have both the exact same mails on them (so some kind of mirroring) to ensure
> the mails don't get killed when one server fails. I understand, that this is
> normally done with RAID 1 or 5 systems, but since we use just basic
> webservers without RAID systems (but much of them) we'd prefer a system with
> two machines much more as this would also help increase general reability. I
> know that I can use one server as secondary which get's the mails if primary
> isn't responding but I'm looking for two servers with the same mails on it
> (eg. just like RAID 1, but with two different machines instead of just two
> harddrives). Has anyone got some infos about such a task?


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