On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 11:53:00AM +0200, TAG mentioned:
> I know many people have asked this in the past, but is there a simple
> way of testing a mail server's concurency and hdd writes, etc - I was
> thinking of doing running a small program that will check for mail, d/l
> mail and pipe it to /dev/null - but how does a email cleint get mail and
> can that be done via a command line - not using telnet!!???
> Please help - I am eager to see the performance of a particular install
> of qmail??

 Someone mentioned something about a pair of benchmarking/stress testing
packages, "Rabid", and "Postal" being mentioned on Freshmeat recently...


"The fool must be beaten with a stick, for an intelligent person 
the merest hint is sufficient"                -- Zen Master Greg

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