Good day.
We're running Qmail as a mainline ISP mailserver.
Here's a few stats...
420,000 Email on the server.
27 Gig of disk space used for that Email.
66,000 local mailboxes.
300,000 Email delivered to local users/day.
200,000 Email delivered to remote sites/day.
600,000 POP mail accesses/day.
750 Virtual domains hosted on the server.
17,000 Mapping for those virtual domains.

The box is an Ultra enterprise 450 with dual 330Mhz Ultrasparc II processors 
and an A1000 RAID array.

Now, this poor box during the day is running with a load between 10 and 20
and goes down to around 2 or 3 late at night.

Normally it keeps up pretty good, but when there's heavy spamming it can start 
to get behind with between 10,000 and 20,000 Email in the queue. (there's 
never less than 1000 in the queue, waiting for remote delivery)
The queue has to be cleaned very regularrly as Mailer Daemon email builds up 
in the queue at a rate of over 1000 per day.(all undeliverable)

Now, the question is.  What to do to get the poor box under control.  I don't 
think it's CPU related but more IO problems.

Anyone else running this large a Qmail instalation?

I'm about to call Sun and ask them to make it better, but I'm not sure they'll 
be able to recommend much either.


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