On Wed, 29 Mar 2000, Derek B. Noonburg wrote:

>    defaultdomain  foolabs.com
>    defaulthost    foolabs.com
>    idhost         foolabs.com
>    locals         localhost.localdomain
>    me             adsl-63-197-235-82.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net
>    plusdomain     foolabs.com
>    rcpthosts      localhost.localdomain
>Locals and rcpthosts are bogus, but this shouldn't matter for outgoing
>mail, as I understand it.  Me is ugly, but it's a valid host name that
>resolves to my IP address.
>Do I have a qmail configuration problem here?
>The only other thing I've noticed is that xyz.somewhere.gov attempts
>to talk to identd (port 113) on my system, which is being rejected by my
>firewall.  Is it common for people to configure sendmail to refuse to
>accept mail from systems not running identd?
>- Derek

Derek, it's possible that the site you are trying to send mail to has
pacbell's DSL IP range in its filters, much like many ISP's filter out AOL
dialups, etc, etc. In this case, you may wish to make friends with someone
close that runs an SMTP server on non filtered space.

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