Jeremy Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My remote concurrency is 500, so that's not a problem.

500 is not a magic number guaranteed to be sufficient in all

>In what I've seen
>and you have to understand, I'm just an admin here, I really have nothing
>to do with the "quality" of the mail addresses that come through
>here.  That's a story within itself, but out of 2 million emails, 40% of
>those on average are deferred.  That's a lot of emails sitting getting

They're only retried when their schedule says it's time to retry them.

>I've often seen my remote concurrency consist completely of
>deferral retries,

That right there says that your concurrencyremote probably isn't high

>especially of for some reason qmail need to be restarted
>or something...

Restarts are exceptional.

>so if it has to sort through 800,000 mails that may get
>deferred again, that's wasted time and resources.

Yeah, avoid restarts.

>I know I have options, but a deferral host just seems like it would be a
>"nice thing" to have available.

Ah, but qmail was engineered. Dan doesn't throw in every feature that
``just seems like it would be a "nice thing" to have available''. It's 
conceivable that a fallback host feature could make sense in some
applications, but I suspect Dan weighed the pros and cons and decided
it wasn't worth the effort.

You can: implement it yourself, switch to a mailer that supports it,
or consider other options with qmail such as calling qmail-remote
directly and queuing to a fallback host if that fails.


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