I agree with most of what you said here Dave, but I'd have to say 
that rejecting mail with envelope sender domains that don't exist is 
a good thing (either an A or CNAME record, or an MX). If for no other 
reason, you can't bounce back to them. I don't consider this aspect 
an arms race with spammers, just common sense. You give me a false 
from address, I reject your mail.

I guess it could be done using dot-qmail, maildrop/procmail and a 
little elbow grease on a per user basis. For me, that's not ideal, 
but would work.


At 2:24 PM -0500 3/31/00, Dave Sill wrote:
>Chris Hardie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I've been observing what seems to be a lack of clear and concise
>>documentation about anti-spam/security options for the novice and/or
>>average qmail user.
>LWQ doesn't cover anti-spam options in depth because I've personally
>never felt the need to implement MTA-level spam control and nobody who
>does use them has contributed such coverage.
>qmail's anti-spam options are limited because there's simply no
>reliable way to differentiate spam and legitimate mail. DJB refuses to
>engage in an arms race with spammers.

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