On 20:38 3.04.2000, Barbara Koch-Hoffmann could be heard musing
 >it seems that we continously revent the wheel......
 >1. This patch does already exist (see below).
 >2. All the SPAM discussion is a ricochet of the old stuff - why doesn't
 >qmail have a good documentation.....
 >Pls. have a look at my WEB page:
 >It give some information about what has been talked around.

Well, it would be nice if your patch were listed on the qmail 
homepage.  Poor documentation as you say.

But your patch doesn't do what mine does - you use the INN wildmat pattern 
matching system, which is not very powerful.  I have embedded a Perl engine 
into qmail-smtpd which allows you to use Perl's excellent pattern matching 
system.  If you can show me how to block the range of IP addresses - with one filter with your patch, I'll agree that I 
have rather foolishly reinvented the wheel.  Here's my regex to do the job:


One line, nice and simple.


   "I was going to be a Neo-Deconstructivist, but Mom wouldn't let me..."

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