On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 10:47:59PM -0400, Bryan White wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 09:50:05AM +0800, Ismal Hisham Darus wrote:
> > > My site still have porbelm connecting with yahoo.com .. everytime i got
> the
> > > message :  Connected_to_128.11.23.225_but_connection_died. I even send
> an
> > > email to aol.com and successfully sent the email. Does yahoo.com needs
> > > another patch ? please help ..
> >
> > Neither of yahoo.com's mail exchangers is answering right now. It's not
> your
> > problem. Don't worry about it.
> Any idea how long till they will be back up?  Is there someplace to find
> this information.  I have been struggling with mails queues clogged with
> messages for yahoo.com all day.  I am on the virge of rejecting new messages
> to the yahoo domain.

In what way are you "struggling"? Sure there may be plenty of emails in your queue,
but is it really hurting? Or do you just not like that idea of qmail-remote failing
and seeing the corresponding log entry? Remote delivery is very cheap with qmail so
you don't need to be too concerned unless the yahoo mail is consuming all of your
concurrencyremote. If it's not, then you can sleep soundly as it's no big deal.


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