I installed my installation per the life with qmail page (well done, BTW).

But my logs are a little on the cryptic side. Here's and example:

@4000000038eb9dda14f29e14 status: local 1/10 remote 1/20
@4000000038eb9dda14f2d0dc delivery 5206: success: did_1+1+0/qp_24168/
@4000000038eb9dda14f3078c status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
@4000000038eb9dda14f3366c end msg 48326

I'm assuming that the "@4000000038eb9dda14f3366c" has to be some sort of
time stamp. Is there any way I can make this human-readable in the log or at
least pass it through something so that I can?

Interrestingly enough, when I was still logging to syslog, I didn't have
this problem.


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