>I'm having difficulty with the qmailqueue patch
>(http://www.qmail.org/qmailqueue-patch) I'm not sure if I'm doing it
>correctly, as I have not had to patch anything before. I copied the
>patch part of the text to a file on my box and called it
>qmailqueue-patch and put it into a newly untarred qmail-1.03 source.
>Then I just did: patch <qmailqueue-patch and it came back with:
>patching file `Makefile'
>Hunk #1 FAILED at 1483.
>1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to Makefile.rej
>patching file `qmail.c'
>And so, the make fails, of course.
>What am I doing wrong?

Maybe nothing. If you've installed any other patches that changed
Makefile, patch might not be able to figure out how to apply this
patch. Look at Makefile.rej and see if you can figure out how to make
the changes manually.

Did the patch to qmail.c succeed?


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