I want to use qmail, maildirs and IMAP to config a mail server. I
installed qmail v1.03, daemontools and ucspi-tcp packages and everything
is running ok. I downloaded UW-IMAP 4.7b, compiled it, applied David
Harris patch and build it. Ok, now it's time to install IMAP, but I have
some doubts (probably they're a little bit basic, but I would be very
grateful if someone could help me). 

1. I'm following the BUILD doc and according to it, I should install the
pop2d, pop3d and imapd daemons in a system directory of my choosing. Is
it necessary to install the pop2d and pop3d daemons? What are they for?
Must all of them be running even if I wanna have only IMAP protocol?

2. According to the docs, I should update inetd.conf to invoke the
daemons. I guess I could use tcpserver instead of editing it. Is it
correct? Does IMAP daemon have to appear before qmail's dameons in init

Thanks in advance,

Gilberto Rodrigues

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