Gilberto Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I installed qmail v1.03 and UW-IMAP v4.7b server. I patched qmail with
>David Harris' patches. I have the following lines in IMAP log file:
>And when I execute imapd, as following:
># /usr/local/etc/imapd
>I got the message:
>* OK magenta IMAP4rev1 v12.264 server ready
>So it seems to me that IMAP server is running fine. But my Netscape
>client cannot get messages. Is there any way to test the IMAP server to
>see if it's ok and it is dealing with users Maildir?

You could use strace/truss/par to trace system calls in the IMAP
daemon. You'll need to connect to the IMAP port, lookup up the PID of
the IMAP daemon, start tracing that PID, then execute the IMAP
commands to log in and check your mailbox.

You might want to try another IMAP client such as fetchmail or Outlook 

I don't remember having any trouble with Netscape and UW-IMAP,


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