Scott Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am new to Linux and Qmail and need information on how to apply the various
>Qmail patches. I have searched the Mailing List Archives and but
>have not been able to find detailed information on how to apply the patches.

Patch installation isn't qmail-specific. Have you read the "patch" man 

Also, see:


>I am running Red Hat Linux 6.1 and Qmail 1.03 and would like to apply the
>big-dns patch and others.

(A) You probably don't *really* need a big DNS patch. AOL has changed
    their ways and I just don't see messages bouncing due to DNS

(B) If big DNS results *are* a problem, I would much sooner install
    DJB's DNScache package, which fixes that problem and gives you
    much better DNS performance to boot.

>Can someone please give me detailed instruction on
>how do this or point me to a web page were I can find this information.

If you have a specific question, you'll probably get a better answer.
Nobody's going to whip up a general patching guide for you.


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