hello, my problem is follow:
i compiled qmail, i'havent installed before. all works fine, mysql patch work also.... but now where im confusing about qmail:
itried different things out, im confused..... fact: i have suse 6.2
1. isnt possbile to start qmail par inetd ?
1a.  the smtpd works, but the pop server not ? i saw in the manual howto put smtpd in the inetd line,
but not pop3d or thaths the other quest:
2. i was installing the tool of ftp://koobera.math.uic.edu/www/ucspi-tcp.html .... (and the other deamon tools)
the tool works fine, but cant really i find the ONE qmail manual (surly one of these lot of tons)
how to start, i have alltimes some failures, but i dont know where to search the failure, because im confused...
3. it's the same file that i use for pop, when i use mysql support
3a. and when, it depends if i use clear text or crypted passwords in the mysql table ??

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