I am having the same problem with non-persistant links...
I placed the command for creating links in rc.local and everything works
fine, but I'd like to know why the created links aren't persistant.  Using
RH 6.2.


On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Madhav wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have installed qmail step by step till starting qmail as given in the
> qmail-HOWTO. I created sysm. links to /var/qmail/supervise/* in
> /var/run/svscan.
> But when we start qmail using  "/etc/rc.d/init.d/svscan start", the qmail
> processes
> (qmail-send,
> qmail-lspawn,
> qmail-rspawn and
> qmail-clean) are  starting as given in the HOWTO.
> But It keeps on throwing the message "multilog: fatal: unable to lock
> directory  /var/log/qmail    :temporary failure".  Why is this message
> coming?
> Also if the machine is rebooted, do I need to create the above symlinks
> again? because they are not persistent. I am using redhat 6.1 linux with
> qmail 1.03.
> Thanks in advance,
> Madhav

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