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On 17 Apr 00, at 22:32, Mark Tippetts wrote:

> Sendmail is NOT the problem.  Its presence is creating conditions
> where the problem manifests, but it's not to blame.  It's simply
> accepting a message from a host it trusts. 

Why does it trust that host?

> The problem is qmail
> relaying this message from an untrusted host.

It will always do so. (This about that: qmail gets message for your 
domain. It's quite likely to come from unstrusted host. qmail has no 
idea that ! or % signs have special meanings for sendmail - they 
have NO special meaning for qmail. Therefore qmail duly passes 
the message along.)

>  Even if I did turn off
> UUCP rewriting for sendmail, the underlying problem remains: qmail is
> acting as an open relay for messages with no @domain specified.

No, it does not. It thinks sendmail will deliver them locally. 
Anything wrong with that?

> The problem can be redefined as, "qmail appends envnoathost to ANY
> rcpt address without a domain".  This works too:
> $ telnet mx0.lynxus.com 25
> Trying
> Connected to mx0.lynxus.com.
> Escape character is '^]'.
> 220 mx0.lynxus.com ESMTP
> helo
> 250 mx0.lynxus.com
> mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 250 ok
> rcpt to:<bishop%lynxus.net>
> 250 ok
> data
> 354 go ahead
> test
> .
> 250 ok 956024397 qp 28670
> quit
> 221 mx0.lynxus.com
> Connection closed by foreign host.
> $ 
> This gets delivered despite the fact I have not enabled percenthack,
> because it's actually relayed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and the
> server for lynxus.com does percenthack processing.

Why does it do the percenthack processing then? It's not vital part 
of SMTP, you know, it's more or less a sendmailism.

> BTW, since I wrote my original message, my assistant pointed out a
> spot on the ORBS web site where it describes this exact problem as a
> bug.  So now I have to rephrase my question:  Is there an effective
> work-around for this, that will prevent qmail from automatically
> rewriting rcpt addresses without a domain?

You want to fix your sendmail, trust me. qmail won't add the local 
hostname. So what? Someone else will post to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and your sendmail will relay the 
mail anyway.

If you can't fix your sendmail, patch qmail-smtpd to refuse mails 
with addresses containing "!" or "%". But you're putting the horse 
behind the cart.

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
Comment: http://community.wow.net/grt/qdpgp.html

Petr Novotny, ANTEK CS
PGP key ID: 0x3BA9BC3F
-- Don't you know there ain't no devil there's just God when he's drunk.
                                                             [Tom Waits]

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