When testing reciving mail as documented in TEST.receive, I follow the steps as
follows but when I log in to the user's account and type the '$mail' command I
receive "no mail for user" :

. SMTP server test: Forge some mail locally via SMTP. Replace ``me''   with your
username and ``domain'' with your host's name.
% telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 domain ESMTP
helo dude
250 domain
mail <me@domain>
250 ok
rcpt <me@domain>
250 ok
354 go ahead
Subject: testing
This is a test.
250 ok 812345679 qp 12345
221 domain
Connection closed by foreign host.

My original message follows:
In testing my senmail config, I follow the steps documented in TEST.deliver with
the following results:

1.   When I send to a local user from the root account via the  "echo to: me |
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject" command,
I see the success message in the /var/loq/qmail dir log file. But, when I log
into the machine as that user and type the mail command, the response is " no
mail for user".

2.   When I send to my hotmail account via "echo to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject", account I see an empty message in my hotmail
account. But when I send to my account at my employer (at work) from my new
qmail box at home (on separate domain)via the " echo to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject" command, I don't receive the test message from my
lotus notes client (at work).

     This is probably the answer to #2 but I'm not sure:  I can traceroute from
the qmail box to 'hotmail.com' but the traceroute to 'candle.com' fails to
finish. All I see is a repeated "***".

Prior to running the test, I converted to Maildir from mailbox and
changed the rc file to reflect this as well as run:
%maildirmake $HOME/Maildir  AND
%maildirmake $HOME/Maildir         in existing user's directory

To the Point, aside from the traceroute issue why can i not see the message in
my user's system acount when I type the '%mail' command?  Am I overlooking
something?  My ultimate goal is to:


I'm getting closer and would appreaciate any help that anyone can give.


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